Title: Walking With A Ghost
krilymccPairing: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG-13 for the first 6 chapters, NC-17 for the last.
Length: ~ 24000+
Spoiler: Uh, none really, but let's say season 1?
Summary: When Rachel dies, she returns as a ghost. She doesn't know what to do, let alone what's keeping her on earth, until she discovers that Quinn alone can see her. Will Quinn help her, or will the cheerleader let their lifelong animosity get between them?
Disclaimer: Don't own anything I may refer to, and of course, I don't own Glee
A/N: And finally, the day has come. Hereby: my entry! It took longer than it should have. It's AU and I know it, and I can be a sucker for cliches, to warn you, but I hope you like it anyway :) read, enjoy, and I'm REALLY curious what you think about this (I've been kind of obsessing over it for a long time) so please, pretty please, review?
A/N 2: Title taken from the Tegan & Sara song Walking With a Ghost.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7