Title: Point of Origin Fandom: FF7 Characters: Reno Rating: G Words: 562 Note: I blame this on two sources. I'm sure they know who they are. Summary: Reno knows not everyone is who they say they are.
Title: Ought to Know Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 Pairing: Reno/Rufus Words: 1284 Rating: R Warnings: Lots of swearing Summary: Gossip produces the most interesting effects.
Title: Special Opportunity Fandom: FF7 Pairing: Sephiroth/Tseng/Reno Words: 1,198 Rating: NC-17 just to be safe Warnings: Cussing, Sexual implications and actions. Summary: Even Reno could be surprised.
Title: Ten Years Fandom: FF7 Words: 1,161 Rating: G Warnings: Meta~ This fic has a mild case of characters knowing about their fandom! Note: Happy anniversary FF7, I may barely remember when you came out, but I do.
Title: Wedding Fandom: FF7 Set: Nations Warning: None but the AUness Note: This one comes to a stunning 1,297. Longest part of this thing yet. The ceremony.
Title: Something to Do Fandom: FF7 Warnings: post AC? Notes: I tried to make this keep going, but Vincent didn't cooperate. Those of you who have heard of the phone angsting, this would be the fic.