Title: Please Fandom: FF7 Pairing: Zack/Sephiroth Rating: Not Worksafe Words: 4,110 Note: Cussing, Sex, death. Summary: Sephiroth made a request that he did not want denied.
Title: Don't You Dare Fandom: FF7 Characters: Zack, Cid Rating: PG Words: 554 Note: Mind the cussing. Summary: Cid meets Zack, and isn't all that impressed.
Title: Salvation Fandom: FF7 Characters: Zack, Sephiroth Rating: G Words: 923 Note: This is a little dark, and is a smash of a couple bunnies. Summary: Zack tries to convince Seph that binge reading in Nibelheim isn't required.
Title: Three Degrees North Fandom: FF7 Characters: Zack, Cloud, Sephiroth Rating: G Words: 700 Note: And to think, this thing was actually a dream first. Summary: Zack was delayed from his ambitions, but it still looked promising.
Title: Awareness Arc: The Right Hand Path Fandom: FF7 Characters: Sephiroth, Cloud, and Zack Rating: G Words: 951 this part Note: This is the fourth part of one of the stories I started a while back, comments loved! Follow the Arc name tag to get the rest. Summary: This is a universe in which Sephiroth was jarred back into his clone too early, and
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Title: Plans of the Dead Fandom: FF7 Characters: Seph, Aeris, Zack Rated: G Words: 1429 Note: This is set, in timeframe, around the scene where Aeris was bugging Cloud while he was on his bike during the movie AC.
Title: The Creature Fandom: FF7 Characters: Cloud, Seph, Zack Rated: G Words: 870 Note: This is Meta, Crack, and a dose of something vaguely resembling a monster encounter.