Title: Strings Fandom: FF7 Characters: Sephiroth/Cloud, Aeris Rating: R Words: 686 Note: There is a death in here, so tread carefully. Summary: If Sephiroth had tugged his puppet strings just a little differently...
Title: Plans of the Dead Fandom: FF7 Characters: Seph, Aeris, Zack Rated: G Words: 1429 Note: This is set, in timeframe, around the scene where Aeris was bugging Cloud while he was on his bike during the movie AC.
Title: Ten Years Fandom: FF7 Words: 1,161 Rating: G Warnings: Meta~ This fic has a mild case of characters knowing about their fandom! Note: Happy anniversary FF7, I may barely remember when you came out, but I do.
Title: Midmovement Arc: By Your Pain Fandom: FF7 Words: 555 Notes: It lives! Yes. Yes it lives. And I skipped um, a decade. Previous parts found by following the tags.
Title: Wedding Fandom: FF7 Set: Nations Warning: None but the AUness Note: This one comes to a stunning 1,297. Longest part of this thing yet. The ceremony.
Title: Pacing Fandom: FF7 Warning: The universe! Note: And Zack finally steals back the point of view after um... 8 chapters of it wandering? In any case! Zack is dealing with a concept that, to him, is rather novel. I think he did good. Oh! Outlands has updates. Yay for fan more prolific than myself?
Title: Priestess Fandom: FF7 Warning: The universe! Note: Aeris was kind of stubborn about letting me write her for a bit, but she's active now! Oh, and another tidbit of Outlands over here.