Title: A World Without (part 2/?) Fandom: FF7 Pairing: Cloud/Sephiroth Rated: G Words: 1,141 Summary: In a world where Zack never joined the military, things might have taken a different turn. Note: All about SOLDIER this part. Follow the tag to the first part.
Title: Ten Years Fandom: FF7 Words: 1,161 Rating: G Warnings: Meta~ This fic has a mild case of characters knowing about their fandom! Note: Happy anniversary FF7, I may barely remember when you came out, but I do.
Title: Misleading Arc: Light Without Shadows Fandom: FF7 Warning: AU (Yes another one, though this is more along the lines of 'what if' instead of being a different world, so... AT Alternate timeline would be better right
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Title: Life's Work Fandom: FF7 Warnings: General mean themes, blood? Note: Exactly 2900 words. that's... allot of words o.O and it's all about pre-Vincent sleep. From Hojo's Point of View no less.
Title: Advisor Fandom: FF7 Warning: The universe! Note: Hojo likes to think in circles, I swear he does... and I already have the next people who want to talk poking me in the head... yay?