Title: Lights Arc: Nations Fandom: FF7 Characters: Cloud Words: 663 Rating: G Warning: The AUness! Arc summary: It's an alternate universe where Sephiroth is a king, while Zack, Cloud, Vincent, and Rufus are his harem slaves, who he has renamed as gems. Note: Follow the tags to get to previous parts, which are in order. Comments appreciated!
Title: Three Degrees North Fandom: FF7 Characters: Zack, Cloud, Sephiroth Rating: G Words: 700 Note: And to think, this thing was actually a dream first. Summary: Zack was delayed from his ambitions, but it still looked promising.
Title: Freudian Twist Fandom: FF7 Characters: Cloud/Sephiroth Rating: PG for nudity Words: 595 Note: This is a not quite humor piece that originated when someone wondered why Seph showed up clothed in AC at me. Summary: The Sephiroth/Cloud fight in Advent Children rewritten just a mite.
Title: Awareness Arc: The Right Hand Path Fandom: FF7 Characters: Sephiroth, Cloud, and Zack Rating: G Words: 951 this part Note: This is the fourth part of one of the stories I started a while back, comments loved! Follow the Arc name tag to get the rest. Summary: This is a universe in which Sephiroth was jarred back into his clone too early, and
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Title: Strings Fandom: FF7 Characters: Sephiroth/Cloud, Aeris Rating: R Words: 686 Note: There is a death in here, so tread carefully. Summary: If Sephiroth had tugged his puppet strings just a little differently...
Title: Collection Fandom: FF7 Character: Cloud Rating: PG Words: 437 Summary: Cloud rehides his collection for the sake of privacy. Note: The collection is lewd, be warned, it's never explicitly stated.
Title: Momentos Fandom: FF7 Character: Cloud Rating: G Words: 1778 Summary: On getting Zack's things from Shinra, he hadn't expected a will. Note: I've been playing with this idea for a while, but finally was in the right mode to write it tonight. Enjoy.
Title: A World Without (part 2/?) Fandom: FF7 Pairing: Cloud/Sephiroth Rated: G Words: 1,141 Summary: In a world where Zack never joined the military, things might have taken a different turn. Note: All about SOLDIER this part. Follow the tag to the first part.