I discovered this somewhere on the inter tubes today. Took a look at the source trying to figure out the tag, and turns out it's < blink> not < flash> or < bother
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I don't just sew as some of you may know. I also like to collect and re- wire lamps when fancy strikes me. I have hoarded pendant style swag lights waiting for a time when it would make sense to re wire them. Amber was kind enough to donate to me a lamp that was rather pretty with a distinctively Cinderella style diffuser
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I want to make a corset and possibly new skirt to go out on Valentines Day. I don't know what I'm going to do with what I have, but here are some of my options.
This week has been adventuresome. Dorien and Allia have the Crud. Paul visited the doctor on another appointment and Dr. Olsen says two weeks. So we're through week one, and I'm getting a sore throat. Yeah for Christmas vacation with a cough! It's going to be mine
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