
Jun 20, 2023 09:48

Yesterday Candy and I set out to hike the Ridge Trail at the Kennerdell Tract but I didn't have a map and we missed the turnoff that we should have taken so we ended up going on to the Window Trail instead. Just a perfect day for a hike yesterday. Not real hot. Not cold. Sunny, but we were in the woods in the shade most all the time. Some pics:

Fallen mountain laurel flowers. The mountain laurels are blooming nicely all over the woods this year.

This girl and her horse left the parking lot around the same time as we did but she got here to this spot ahead of us. I think she was reading a book here. We came to find out that her horse's name is Marcus. Beautiful white with small gray dapples all over - can't see the dapples in this pic.

This was a weird fungus. Hard to the touch. Like wood.

More of the same fungus coming out of the other side of the tree. Looked like it was "seeping" out between crevices in the bark.

An excellent photo op to get a pic of Candy and the hill edge as it falls away to the Allegheny River far below.

Goodbye to Dave's old truck. A fellow bought it who likes to fix up old cars. They picked it up yesterday.

Today is Happy Birthday to me. 70. Seems like a big number. If I make it to 80 I suppose it won't seem so big anymore. At first we thought we would go away and camp for my birthday and our anniversary tomorrow but the more I thought about it the more it seemed like a lot of work and preparation. So yesterday we changed our minds and decided to stay home today - putter around the house. I want to put my tent up in the back yard like I have done in past years for a summer napping spot. That will make me happy. And tomorrow for our anniversary we will leave early and drive to Cooks Forest with the dogs and hike a trail or two. Then just come home in the evening and sleep in our own bed. That sounds better than all the work of camping. Maybe I am getting "old".

dave's truck, horses, tent, candy, anniversary, window trail, kennerdell tract clear creek forest, birthday

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