M35 (Clinic)

Apr 21, 2009 09:54

The intercom announcement didn't exactly make Ritsuka feel very safe. It was a blatant reference to Pandora and even if it wasn't, the message was ominous enough to send a chill down anyone's spine. Taking the notice, Ritsuka went over to the door and opened it cautiously. He didn't like the idea of forcing the Clinic on Nataku, but for now, he ( Read more... )

raine, reinforce, klavier, guy, kvothe, senna, hanatarou, ritsuka, kratos, tony castaway, sanzo

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Comments 76

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sir_savien April 21 2009, 04:12:15 UTC
Kvothe glanced at the sign as he followed Tony in, that looked ominous. He hoped Tamaki was all right, whereever they'd moved him. And short on everything... he hoped he'd even be able to get what he'd been hoping to find here.


forgot_it_all April 21 2009, 12:52:09 UTC
He'd had his head down, but he hadn't been asleep. He couldn't really sleep when he didn't know where Nataku was going or what was up with Tamaki or where Soubi had gotten off to. He knew the Fighter would show up eventually, or he wouldn't and Ritsuka would realize he'd been left behind. As soon as the door opened, however, he sat up, looking toward the door with a bit of hope that perhaps it was Tamaki coming in. The moment he heard the unfamiliar voice, however, he knew he was wrong.

"Sorry, it's just me. My name is Ritsuka. I was Tamaki's roommate." Sliding off the bed, he stood rather awkwardly by his bed, not sure what to do. "...did you need help with something?"


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per_ardua April 21 2009, 05:48:28 UTC
[[From here.]]

Raine didn't feel any better when she saw Ritsuka's note; in theory, Tamaki having been moved meant he was still here. However, she'd been told Reinforce was in the hospital wing for a while before being told she had actually been released. And she wasn't willing to trust the staff on anything.

"I have a few supplies," she said, taking off her bag and putting it on the desk. "I can't stay long, though--I think a friend of mine is on Special Counseling."


1imited_edition April 21 2009, 06:15:42 UTC
The not answered one question, though not in the most comforting manner. As much freedom as they were allowed during the night, it seemed their captors were still not above impinging on it according to their own whims. This was not some experiment demanding noninterference, it seemed.

Rein gave a small bow to those assembled in the room, a polite but minimal acknowledgment of their presence.

"Should you ask if Kratos has already been here?" she asked/suggested to Raine. She probably could have been subtler about it, but despite her efforts subtlety was not something she was particularly good at.


razing_phoenix April 21 2009, 14:40:23 UTC
[From here.]Guy couldn't miss the note that was waiting for him outside the door to the clinic; he used his flashlight to illuminate the message and then read it over. The fact that Tamaki had been moved somewhere didn't sound too encouraging, but Guy could only worry about it on a very superficial level since he barely knew the boy. Still, it looked like the clinic needed supplies more than ever now, so he was glad that he'd decided to come ( ... )


per_ardua April 22 2009, 01:33:29 UTC
Well, it seemed like things here were mostly taken care of, at least. "Ritsuka, I think," Raine said, indicating the boy. "Thank you." It was another relief to see Tony here; she hated abandoning the Clinic on no notice, but it wasn't the first time and probably wouldn't be the last. The more staff they had for nights like this, the better.

She'd take care of Kvothe if needed (although if he wanted to be healed it wasn't happening--she was too likely to need every spell she had), but as soon as Kratos came in, it was time to go. The sooner they found Sheena, the better.


rocksthecourt April 23 2009, 03:44:37 UTC
[coming in from here]

Two hallways in the same block didn't sound like a very far walk until one spent it dragging along an unconscious body. He might have been in decent enough shape, but anyone not used to carrying people around would have gotten tired after that.

M35. Hopefully the bulletin posts were truthful and they would be able to help someone in this sort of condition. "Ah. This is the patient clinic, yes? This man needs help..."


31st_of_china April 23 2009, 04:07:43 UTC
The monk stirred. It was like coming out of sand; painfully slow, deafening and suffocating. His ribs were killing him. His throat was hurting too, but compared to his sides, it wasn't anything. Someone was half-carrying, half-dragging him, and each step jostled his torso, sending new little stabs of pain through his chest.

Sanzo groaned, fingers curling and digging into the other patient's shoulder reflexively.


per_ardua April 23 2009, 04:30:53 UTC
[From above.]

"It is," Raine said, coming over quickly. "I'm the senior healer, but I can't stay tonight; can you get him to a bed? Someone will be right there." She would heal him if she had to, but she preferred asking someone else to do it; as soon as Kratos arrived, they needed to move, and thankfully she wasn't the only healer here.

[Down another thread!]


rocksthecourt April 23 2009, 04:53:58 UTC
"Danke," he said quickly. Good. If no one was panicking, that meant they might have the means to help the guy out. It was a good thing there was a patient volunteer service like this.

Klavier felt the man starting to stir suddenly. The pain was evident in his voice. He needed to get him to a bed immediately. "Ah! Hold on. We're almost there."

He moved over to one of the available beds, absently placing the abandoned gun on the desk next to it. He'd need both hands free for this. There was absolutely no way he could place this man on the bed without it hurting, so he decided to warn him first. "I'm going to lay you down, alright? It might hurt a little." Sorry.

As carefully as possible, Klavier put Sanzo down so he was almost sitting on the bed, then laid his upper body down. After he was settled, he brought the man's legs up so he was laying full on his back.


hajike_tobiume April 23 2009, 04:24:24 UTC
[from here]

Once in the halls, Momo had moved quickly and silently, staying close to the left side of any hallway to protect her blind side as much as she could. She knew the way to M35 so well, she was certain she could do so without any sight. She didn't even see the note posted outside it as she lead her team into the Clinic. There was Raine, Reinforce and a few others, including one severely injured man.

...hadn't he been Hitsugaya's roommate?

Momo wasn't sure, but she also noted the lack of Tamaki. "Evening," she said, setting the box full of various supplies such as gauze, bandages and other general first aid items. "Has something happened to Suou-san?"


per_ardua April 23 2009, 04:35:01 UTC
[From above.]

Thank Martel that Momo was here, and with even more supplies. "We don't know," Raine said tersely. "But I think a friend of mine was taken for Special Counseling. Can you take care of him?" She nodded to the injured man. "As soon as Kratos gets here, we need to find her, and I want to conserve as much magic as I can."

She didn't want to use Photon against Sheena, and she didn't know how much good it would do even if she could, but she might need First Aid at least once, and she wanted to take as few chances as possible.


hajike_tobiume April 23 2009, 04:47:26 UTC
Momo blinked slowly. "I see." She turned her gaze on the injured man before looking back at Raine.

"I can do that," and hopefully not pass out. "If both you and Kratos-san are going to be gone, I will station Yamada-san here for the night."

The vice captain turned to address Senna as the other two with her were back by the door. "Senna-san, we passed Yamada-san in the hallway at the end of this block. Please take catch up to him. Peries-san and I will join you two in the hall in a moment."

With that, she turned to tend to the injured man. If Soma had any doubts as to the demon arts Momo had mentioned before, she was just about to witness healing.

[up a thread]


windstwilight April 23 2009, 19:42:15 UTC

"Gotcha," was the girl's only reply to the Shinigami. The chaos she was seeing wasn't something Senna wanted to hang around anyway. With a last look, she started back the way they came.

[to here]


beloved_less May 6 2009, 12:52:27 UTC
[From here.]

Soubi walked into the room a little quickly, concerned look painting his features. Why was Ritsuka always in his room these days? It threw Soubi off...

He looked around and spotted Ritsuka, relaxing into a smile.


forgot_it_all May 6 2009, 13:14:46 UTC
Yamada Hanatarou had moved off to a corner to wait for people to come and with Hikaru not being able to do much beyond rest at the moment, that meant Ritsuka didn't have much to do either. He was about to go sit at his desk when the door opened and Soubi entered like he was in a rush. Or maybe it was... concern? He looked worried for some reason and-- oh, right. Ritsuka was supposed to wait out in the hall, not in his room. After being left behind once, Soubi was probably afraid of having that happen again ( ... )


beloved_less May 6 2009, 13:27:05 UTC
Luckily for Soubi, he just looked...surprised. His innards, though, seemed to untwist a touch, pleased to be rid of the blond little snob. Though he couldn't relish the moment for long. Surely those annoying twins would fret and Ritsuka too. Though he seemed to be...calm. Tamaki was moved, not gone. Soubi didn't wish anything BAD on the blond, he was just happy it was away from his little Ritsuka ( ... )


forgot_it_all May 6 2009, 13:49:03 UTC
There was a hand in his hair and Ritsuka jumped slightly as he always did. Rather than pull away as he had with Nataku though, Ritsuka relaxed and let Soubi touch him. It was just one of many small ways that Ritsuka could get physical contact that he didn't mind. He'd read somewhere that humans needed such physical contact in order to survive and until he'd met Soubi, he hadn't really understood what that had meant ( ... )


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