M35 (Clinic)

Apr 21, 2009 09:54

The intercom announcement didn't exactly make Ritsuka feel very safe. It was a blatant reference to Pandora and even if it wasn't, the message was ominous enough to send a chill down anyone's spine. Taking the notice, Ritsuka went over to the door and opened it cautiously. He didn't like the idea of forcing the Clinic on Nataku, but for now, he ( Read more... )

raine, reinforce, klavier, guy, kvothe, senna, hanatarou, ritsuka, kratos, tony castaway, sanzo

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rocksthecourt April 23 2009, 03:44:37 UTC
[coming in from here]

Two hallways in the same block didn't sound like a very far walk until one spent it dragging along an unconscious body. He might have been in decent enough shape, but anyone not used to carrying people around would have gotten tired after that.

M35. Hopefully the bulletin posts were truthful and they would be able to help someone in this sort of condition. "Ah. This is the patient clinic, yes? This man needs help..."


31st_of_china April 23 2009, 04:07:43 UTC
The monk stirred. It was like coming out of sand; painfully slow, deafening and suffocating. His ribs were killing him. His throat was hurting too, but compared to his sides, it wasn't anything. Someone was half-carrying, half-dragging him, and each step jostled his torso, sending new little stabs of pain through his chest.

Sanzo groaned, fingers curling and digging into the other patient's shoulder reflexively.


per_ardua April 23 2009, 04:30:53 UTC
[From above.]

"It is," Raine said, coming over quickly. "I'm the senior healer, but I can't stay tonight; can you get him to a bed? Someone will be right there." She would heal him if she had to, but she preferred asking someone else to do it; as soon as Kratos arrived, they needed to move, and thankfully she wasn't the only healer here.

[Down another thread!]


rocksthecourt April 23 2009, 04:53:58 UTC
"Danke," he said quickly. Good. If no one was panicking, that meant they might have the means to help the guy out. It was a good thing there was a patient volunteer service like this.

Klavier felt the man starting to stir suddenly. The pain was evident in his voice. He needed to get him to a bed immediately. "Ah! Hold on. We're almost there."

He moved over to one of the available beds, absently placing the abandoned gun on the desk next to it. He'd need both hands free for this. There was absolutely no way he could place this man on the bed without it hurting, so he decided to warn him first. "I'm going to lay you down, alright? It might hurt a little." Sorry.

As carefully as possible, Klavier put Sanzo down so he was almost sitting on the bed, then laid his upper body down. After he was settled, he brought the man's legs up so he was laying full on his back.


31st_of_china April 23 2009, 05:02:25 UTC
Where the hell was 'there'? The only thing Sanzo knew was that he wasn't lying in the hallway. The owner of the voice was that patient who'd come out at the end. Other than that, it was a large blank spot. Sanzo barely heard him say something else, something about it hurting a little. He'd been about to tell him that'd he gone through enough shit that lying down wouldn't be anything--

Until the patient actually got him onto the bed. That jerked him out of the haze he'd been drifing in. The monk swore, a breathless hiss, eyes snapping open.


hajike_tobiume April 23 2009, 05:13:55 UTC
[from below]

Momo's eyes scrutinized the man's injuries as she approached where he lay on the bed. It looke like his injuries were mostly internal. She knelt down by him as he woke up, nodding slightly to the blonde man that had brought him to the Clinic.

Putting a hand on the injured man's shoulder to hopefully keep him from trying to sit up, Momo spoke to him. "I'm Vice Captain Hinamori Momo of Arts & Crafts. I'm here to heal you. Please allow me to see what your injuries are."


31st_of_china April 23 2009, 05:33:05 UTC
A girl approached the bed, and reaching out, put a hand on his shoulder, right as he started to rise. The message was clear. Sanzo tensed under her touch anyway.

He hated this the most: he didn't care for that much physical contact. It was unwelcome, invasive. Even when it was absolutely necessary; a healer couldn't do jackshit if they didn't touch the patient. That knowledge didn't make it easier to tolerate.

Sanzo watched her warily. This was also uncertain ground. He didn't know this woman, and he wasn't inclined to trust anyone just becauase they claimed they were a healer.

"Ribs. Probably broken." If that tight sensation in his chest was anything to go by. It was a surprise his chest hadn't been caved in by Homura. Had he been holding back?


hajike_tobiume April 23 2009, 05:54:38 UTC
Once the man stopped trying to sit up, Momo removed her hand from his shoulder. Broken ribs could be dealt with easily. It didn't even take one of the 4th Division to handle something like this ( ... )


31st_of_china April 23 2009, 06:03:57 UTC
[arena penalty ( ... )


rocksthecourt April 23 2009, 06:16:01 UTC
Klavier had no business being in a clinic other than dropping people off, visiting, or interrogating. This wasn't his element. But he had to admit he was incredibly curious when the young lady described the process she was going to use to help him. A pink glow that would cause her nose to bleed? What was she talking about?

But... it seemed like she was true to her word. Sure enough, a strange pink glow engulfed her hands. He was in complete shock, not quite understanding what was going on. He'd heard a lot of stupid theories and stories since coming here, some of which involving powers of some sort. And he wasn't about to buy into that sort of superstitious nonsense, but this... Whatever she was doing certainly looked like ( ... )


hajike_tobiume April 23 2009, 06:21:15 UTC
Eyes wide, Momo passed the back of her hand across her face, wiping both the blood from her nose and the small bit that had seeped out of the corner of her mouth away. She coughed again, but shook her head.

"I-I don't know," she replied, her voice a little hoarse. "The kidou has never done that before. It was like..." She leaned in to check the man's vitals, hoping he wasn't going to lash out at her, though she would take it if he did; she deserved it, in a way. "...like a rejection or reversal or something."

She put her hand gently to the man's cheek. "Talk to me... please?"


31st_of_china April 23 2009, 06:33:44 UTC
The thundering in his chest had mercifully stopped. Sanzo sagged back, head hitting the pillow hard. He could still feel some of the phantom throbs from that. He certainly wasn't going to forget that feeling any time soon.

The man who brought him in was asking the very question Sanzo wanted an answer to. The only thing he could think of was that she'd lied. Or Landel had done something to her ability. Either way, she was dangerous.

"That's what I'd like to know," Sanzo muttered in reply. The girl was reaching out for him again. He caught her hand as it touched his cheek, his grip anything but gentle. The last thing he needed was her getting those hands near him again.

The monk pinned her with a cold glare. He ignored the feel of blood sliding past his lips or down his neck for now.

"Is that your definition of healing? Just redirecting the attention elsewhere?"


hajike_tobiume April 23 2009, 06:41:24 UTC
Momo winced a little at the grip on her hand but she didn't try to pull it away. Her own eyes were still wide as she had no idea what was going on. She shook her head quickly.

"No. That's not what it was supposed to do. I've healed others many times while here and it's never, ever done that before," she stated. "I-I don't know what happened. I'm so sorry. That shouldn't have happened. The bones should have mended."

She swallowed, trying to stay calm. Was she really that broken that she couldn't even control her own kidou anymore? That couldn't be the case, could it? "Have you ever has healing before? Has anything unusual other than being in his damned place happened to you? I don't have an explanation, but I didn't mean to hurt you. I don't even know how it happened."


31st_of_china April 23 2009, 07:28:34 UTC
Worldessly Sanzo stared Momo in the eyes. He didn't see anything suspect there. She didn't sound like she was lying; she honestly sounded like this had taken her by surprise too. Then again, there were plenty of liars out there who happened to be good actors. He wasn't naive enough to trust someone just like that.

He couldn't trust anyone else's word here but his own, or Goku's.

With a grunt, he released Momo's hand. "I've been healed before without this happening." He didn't care if it came off like an accusation. He wasn't about to tell her anything else; not when he didn't know if she was lying or not.

Sucking in a tight breath, Sanzo closed his eyes, and steeled himself. Slowly, he pushed himself up with his arms. His mouth twitched as his ribs and muscles throbbed in protest.

The Smith & Wesson was lying on the table near his head. Surprisingly enough, the man hadn't stolen it. The gun vanished into his robes.


rocksthecourt April 23 2009, 07:47:02 UTC
Kidou. A rejection. Mending bones through healing. This was Klavier's first time hearing any of this. Just a few dozen more items to add to the growing list of Things That Make No Sense. This place was completely ridiculous. Though if anything, this little display proved that 'divine healing power' was nothing but a dream, no matter what this Vice Captain Hinamori thought it was. Whatever she'd tried had backfired for the worse ( ... )


hajike_tobiume April 23 2009, 13:29:16 UTC
Momo was silent for a long moment as she tried to process what had happened. This man said he'd been healed before. Her healing had hurt him. She set her hand down in her lap, her gaze focused on a spot on the bed before her and not the man she'd accidentally hurt.

"I must be broken then," she whispered, barely audible, her voice taking on an almost unemotional tone. "I'm sorry. I'll leave now and let someone else wrap your chest with standard first aid."


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