M35 (Clinic)

Apr 21, 2009 09:54

The intercom announcement didn't exactly make Ritsuka feel very safe. It was a blatant reference to Pandora and even if it wasn't, the message was ominous enough to send a chill down anyone's spine. Taking the notice, Ritsuka went over to the door and opened it cautiously. He didn't like the idea of forcing the Clinic on Nataku, but for now, he had to keep it running. At least until Tamaki popped up again or someone else could take care of it.

Ritsuka didn't really know how to prop the notice up and he was a little too short to push it behind the grungy plastic room numbers, but with a little ingenuity, he figured something out. Dragging his chair out into the hall, Ritsuka propped the note up on the seat of it and sighed. He'd edited it a few more times before he actually set it out, but this was probably the best he could do.

Tamaki's been moved somewhere and I don't know where. For now, I'll keep running the Clinic here, but tonight unless I get supplies, we're short on everything. If you need anything, come in.


Hopefully the healers came so he wouldn't need to worry about having no supplies whatsoever. Heading back into the room, Ritsuka climbed up onto his bed and waited for someone to show up.

raine, reinforce, klavier, guy, kvothe, senna, hanatarou, ritsuka, kratos, tony castaway, sanzo

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