M35 (Clinic)

Apr 21, 2009 09:54

The intercom announcement didn't exactly make Ritsuka feel very safe. It was a blatant reference to Pandora and even if it wasn't, the message was ominous enough to send a chill down anyone's spine. Taking the notice, Ritsuka went over to the door and opened it cautiously. He didn't like the idea of forcing the Clinic on Nataku, but for now, he ( Read more... )

raine, reinforce, klavier, guy, kvothe, senna, hanatarou, ritsuka, kratos, tony castaway, sanzo

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sir_savien April 21 2009, 04:12:15 UTC
Kvothe glanced at the sign as he followed Tony in, that looked ominous. He hoped Tamaki was all right, whereever they'd moved him. And short on everything... he hoped he'd even be able to get what he'd been hoping to find here.


forgot_it_all April 21 2009, 12:52:09 UTC
He'd had his head down, but he hadn't been asleep. He couldn't really sleep when he didn't know where Nataku was going or what was up with Tamaki or where Soubi had gotten off to. He knew the Fighter would show up eventually, or he wouldn't and Ritsuka would realize he'd been left behind. As soon as the door opened, however, he sat up, looking toward the door with a bit of hope that perhaps it was Tamaki coming in. The moment he heard the unfamiliar voice, however, he knew he was wrong.

"Sorry, it's just me. My name is Ritsuka. I was Tamaki's roommate." Sliding off the bed, he stood rather awkwardly by his bed, not sure what to do. "...did you need help with something?"


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sir_savien April 21 2009, 18:58:19 UTC
"Yeah. Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Kvothe. I was hoping I'd be able to get some painkillers," he explained, holding up his broken hand in explanation, "something not quite as stronge as the nurses have been trying to give me, but from the look of the sign I'm guessing you're probably out." He was hoping they wouldn't be. But with the sudden lack of supplies he also knew that he couldn't hope to get too many pills even if Ritsuka did have some left.


razing_phoenix April 22 2009, 09:38:19 UTC
[From down here.]

"You said you needed painkillers?" Guy started as he moved over from where Raine and her friend were waiting. (What for, he wasn't sure himself.) He carried the bag of medical supplies with purpose, since he knew for a fact that there were a ton of different sorts of painkillers inside.

"I should have just the thing," he said as he set the bag down near the three boys, offering it for them to riffle through at their convenience. Along with various different kinds of pills, it also had bandages and burn ointment. He had gotten a pretty good haul at the pharmacy the other night.

Guy glanced toward Ritsuka questioningly. "So are you taking over for Tamaki for now? I brought these to repay a debt I owed the clinic, since one of the healers - Kratos - helped me out one time," he explained. He wanted to make sure the news got to Kratos somehow so that the man didn't think Guy had never gotten around to paying him back. Now that both Raine and Ritsuka knew, chances were the redheaded swordsman would hear about it soon


forgot_it_all April 23 2009, 05:06:01 UTC
People were coming in so fast now and Ritsuka felt a little overwhelmed. Unlike Tamaki, he wasn't the people person type and having this many people around him was intimidating to say the least. He didn't know enough first aid to help, especially not with broken hands or-- The newest arrival looked like his chest was about to collapse in. What the hell was happening out there ( ... )


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sir_savien April 24 2009, 05:18:08 UTC
"Probably." He glanced at Ritsuka while as he knelt by the bag of supplies. "It should be fine with the bandaging that the nurses did for this morning, I won't take up any more of your time. Though if you do see Tamaki," he added as he looks away to search through the bag with his good hand, the emotion abruptly leeching out of his voice, "please pass on that Kvothe was by but won't be able to help out with stitching after all."

After a few moments he stood, a bottle of aspirin in his hand. A shake showed that it wasn't too full, but it would get him through the next couple days. "I'm going to head back and get some sleep," he said, turning to Tony. "I'll be fine on my own, they'll probably need you more here."


razing_phoenix April 24 2009, 08:00:07 UTC
It was like all of a sudden tons of people decided to rush in at once. Guy knew he shouldn't be so shocked; this was the clinic, and people were getting injured all the time. Still, he was overwhelmed when so many people came in one after the other. One person seemed to be very badly injured, and after a closer look--

"Sanzo?" he muttered under his breath. He had only met the man this morning, but it was still hard to see someone he'd just spoken to during breakfast looking like he went too many rounds with a cement block.

It looked like he was being seen to, though, and so Guy scanned the rest of the newcomers and spotted Kratos. He had been preparing to go tell the man about the supply delivery himself, but the redhead rushed out with Raine and her friend almost immediately. Something was going on, then ( ... )


forgot_it_all April 25 2009, 02:07:08 UTC
The man with red hair was Kratos. He'd have to remember in case he ever came back. What the blond stranger said was true though - the Clinic was needed. Tamaki had been able to see it before anyone else could. People needed a hospital, a safe place to go, but Ritsuka still wasn't sure if he was the right person for the job. He had no idea what to do when the man on the other bed started bleeding, nor did he know what to do when he left suddenly with his companion. Magic and healing and whatever else just ( ... )


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sir_savien April 25 2009, 17:33:38 UTC
"Tony, I'll be fine. Really. It's not like it's a long walk back to our room." He knew Tony just wanted to help, but the coddling was getting tiring and at this point he really did just want to get away from the crowd of people and get some sleep. He needed it. "Good luck with the rest of the night," he said as he tucked the small bottle into the waist of his pants so that he'd be able to hold the flashlight, and he edged toward the door.

[to here]


totallytheseme April 26 2009, 02:02:55 UTC
[from here.]

Hikaru was out of breath by the time that he made it to Tamaki's room. He'd forgotten just how long a walk it really was, especially on crutches. "Oi, Milord," he called before he noticed the note on the door. "I need a...favor?"

Tamaki was missing. Tamaki was missing. Shit!

Pain forgotten, Hikaru burst into the room and practically ran over to Ritsuka.

"When was the last time you saw him?" he demanded.


forgot_it_all April 28 2009, 01:23:59 UTC
"There's not a lot any of us can do," Ritsuka admitted. A few people were leaving, but that didn't make the crowd any easier to handle. Both Tony and Kvothe seemed eager to get out of the place, so Ritsuka nodded to both of their words. "You can go ahead and go if you want to. There's not a lot we can do until we've restocked, which means I'm going to be leaving soon to get supplies upstairs."

But only if Soubi showed up anytime soon. Maybe he wasn't coming tonight. He hadn't said he wasn't coming, but then Ritsuka hadn't asked him either. Maybe he should hav--

The door burst open and for a second, Ritsuka half expected Tamaki to come in. Instead, it was Hikaru, on crutches with a look of panic on his face. Ritsuka shrank back on instinct when Hikaru came toward him, that look of desperation overlapping with another in his mind - an image associated with pain. "...Last night. I don't know, but he's not gone, Hikaru. He's just...moved somewhere."


mitase April 30 2009, 07:24:47 UTC
[from here - sorry for thread-crash, Hana can move?]

Okay, so here was the Clinic. And there were people in it. People that he didn't know.

Hanatarou paused in the doorway for a minute, staring with eyes wide and his free hand clutching the strap across his chest so tightly that he could feel the pattern imprinting into his palm. Well, at least it didn't look like there were any patients at the moment?

He took a cautious step into the room, then another, glancing around uncomfortably before pausing again. Maybe one of them would talk to him. Or they could ignore him. That was okay, too.


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