M35 (Clinic)

Apr 21, 2009 09:54

The intercom announcement didn't exactly make Ritsuka feel very safe. It was a blatant reference to Pandora and even if it wasn't, the message was ominous enough to send a chill down anyone's spine. Taking the notice, Ritsuka went over to the door and opened it cautiously. He didn't like the idea of forcing the Clinic on Nataku, but for now, he ( Read more... )

raine, reinforce, klavier, guy, kvothe, senna, hanatarou, ritsuka, kratos, tony castaway, sanzo

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forgot_it_all April 25 2009, 02:07:08 UTC
The man with red hair was Kratos. He'd have to remember in case he ever came back. What the blond stranger said was true though - the Clinic was needed. Tamaki had been able to see it before anyone else could. People needed a hospital, a safe place to go, but Ritsuka still wasn't sure if he was the right person for the job. He had no idea what to do when the man on the other bed started bleeding, nor did he know what to do when he left suddenly with his companion. Magic and healing and whatever else just...

"--the books here?"

Someone's voice broke through and Ritsuka looked up at Tony and Kvothe. "...books? Ah, no, I don't think so. Anything that belonged to Tamaki has been taken with him. Like I said on the note, we're completely out except for what all of you have brought so far." Looking to Kvothe, Ritsuka nodded and tried not to let his shoulders slump. If he happened to see Tamaki was a big "if" in his book. He rarely saw the guy during the day anyway and now that he'd been moved, Ritsuka didn't know when or if he'd ever see him again. "...I'll tell him."


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sir_savien April 25 2009, 17:33:38 UTC
"Tony, I'll be fine. Really. It's not like it's a long walk back to our room." He knew Tony just wanted to help, but the coddling was getting tiring and at this point he really did just want to get away from the crowd of people and get some sleep. He needed it. "Good luck with the rest of the night," he said as he tucked the small bottle into the waist of his pants so that he'd be able to hold the flashlight, and he edged toward the door.

[to here]


totallytheseme April 26 2009, 02:02:55 UTC
[from here.]

Hikaru was out of breath by the time that he made it to Tamaki's room. He'd forgotten just how long a walk it really was, especially on crutches. "Oi, Milord," he called before he noticed the note on the door. "I need a...favor?"

Tamaki was missing. Tamaki was missing. Shit!

Pain forgotten, Hikaru burst into the room and practically ran over to Ritsuka.

"When was the last time you saw him?" he demanded.


forgot_it_all April 28 2009, 01:23:59 UTC
"There's not a lot any of us can do," Ritsuka admitted. A few people were leaving, but that didn't make the crowd any easier to handle. Both Tony and Kvothe seemed eager to get out of the place, so Ritsuka nodded to both of their words. "You can go ahead and go if you want to. There's not a lot we can do until we've restocked, which means I'm going to be leaving soon to get supplies upstairs."

But only if Soubi showed up anytime soon. Maybe he wasn't coming tonight. He hadn't said he wasn't coming, but then Ritsuka hadn't asked him either. Maybe he should hav--

The door burst open and for a second, Ritsuka half expected Tamaki to come in. Instead, it was Hikaru, on crutches with a look of panic on his face. Ritsuka shrank back on instinct when Hikaru came toward him, that look of desperation overlapping with another in his mind - an image associated with pain. "...Last night. I don't know, but he's not gone, Hikaru. He's just...moved somewhere."


mitase April 30 2009, 07:24:47 UTC
[from here - sorry for thread-crash, Hana can move?]

Okay, so here was the Clinic. And there were people in it. People that he didn't know.

Hanatarou paused in the doorway for a minute, staring with eyes wide and his free hand clutching the strap across his chest so tightly that he could feel the pattern imprinting into his palm. Well, at least it didn't look like there were any patients at the moment?

He took a cautious step into the room, then another, glancing around uncomfortably before pausing again. Maybe one of them would talk to him. Or they could ignore him. That was okay, too.


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totallytheseme May 1 2009, 00:15:40 UTC
Hikaru didn't notice any of the people coming or going in the rather crowded room. He didn't even notice the way Ritsuka had tensed as soon as he came into the room, something he would've probably picked up on otherwise. All he could think about was Tamaki not being there. First it'd been Haruhi, then Kyouya, then Honey had left and then returned...Hikaru couldn't stand the thought of losing Tamaki too.

"You're sure he's still here? You're positive?"


forgot_it_all May 2 2009, 06:53:47 UTC
Tony was gone and that left him with Hikaru and...a stranger. Ritsuka didn't know who he was, but he didn't look like he was hurt, so maybe he could wait a bit until Ritsuka could get Hikaru under control. The older teen was practically panicking at the thought that Tamaki might be gone, and considering all that he'd been through, Ritsuka could understand why.

He didn't know what had happened to Tamaki for certain, but he knew he couldn't tell Hikaru that. He didn't want to lie, but he couldn't exactly let the doubt consume his friend either. "I'm sure. The nurses told me that and they have no reason to lie to me about that. Just calm down, okay? You'll probably see him tomorrow morning."

And now to take care of Clinic affairs. Ritsuka leaned a bit to the side to look past Hikaru and tried to meet the stranger's eyes. "Hey, you. Do you need something? I'm afraid the Clinic is short-staffed tonight, but if there's anything I can help you with, just tell me, got it?"


mitase May 2 2009, 07:19:32 UTC
Well, some of them seemed willing enough to ignore him. Hanatarou had just started to think that he was going to be okay when the shorter one (smaller even than he was, surprisingly enough) actually looked directly at him.

The shinigami's shoulders hunched a little, almost reflexively, as he forced a tiny smile. "Er. I know, um. Hinamori-fukutaichou told me, a-and said I should stay here tonight. I'm...I'm a healer...?"


totallytheseme May 6 2009, 00:41:09 UTC
[fail me. I could have sworn I was tracking this thread...I'm so sorry! D:]

"Okay," Hikaru sighed. It was okay. Just as long as Tamaki was still here. He'd just been moved, that was all. The twins could track down their idiot King tomorrow morning and beat some sense into him.

Now that his momentary panic taken care of, the pain was starting to come back. Hikaru winced; running around on his leg had probably not been a very good idea. But if the Clinic was as short-staffed as Ritsuka said it was, then he ought to forget about himself for a little while and help out his friend.

"I'll help. I can...uh...rip bandages or something." The Host grinned devilishly and gave the smaller boy an elaborate bow. "I am a blunt instruments in your hand, my prince. Use me as you will."


forgot_it_all May 6 2009, 03:55:10 UTC
Hikaru seemed to be calming down, which was good considering his leg was in no state to be standing right now. It seemed like he'd run all the way here - the idiot. Ritsuka started to move back to allow Hikaru to sit down on the bed, when he had to do that. The bow and that name? Prince? What? "..." Somehow, Ritsuka got the feeling that Soubi might be jealous if he let that slide. "Uh...just sit down right now. It looks like you're going to fall over."

Now it was time to address this newcomer. Whoever it was, he hadn't said his name yet, but he had mentioned someone named Hinamori? Ritsuka couldn't place the name, but the title itself was something impressive. It reminded him of those people claiming to be shinigami or whatever on the bulletin board. Weirdos. But he was a healer and that was what was important. "I'm Ritsuka. If you could help my friend here, that'd be great. Otherwise just relax for now. There's no one in here yet."


mitase May 6 2009, 05:58:24 UTC
Hanatarou blinked at the stranger addressing him first, then the taller one, feeling more than a little uncomfortable. He might be able to help, but it looked like the injured one had already been treated by the Institute, so there wasn't much more that he could do unless he tried to heal the injuries. And given how weak he was feeling right now, he thought it was probably best to save what reiatsu was left for him to control in case someone came in with a life-threatening emergency.

He finally just blinked and offered a polite bow, cheeks flushing a little before he went pale again. "I'm, ah, Hanatarou. Yamada Hanatarou. I'll j-just, um, go...wait...over here," he replied, moving over to perch on the edge of a chair, somewhat awkwardly shifting the sword so that he could sit.

It was probably best that he just find a corner for the time being. Then he couldn't get in the way or mess anything up.

[feel free to skip; he'll just be sitting here until/unless someone comes in or he's addressed]


hangenki May 6 2009, 13:04:57 UTC
Kaoru burst into the room after reading the note. He was supposed to meet Hikaru at the end of the hall, but he'd fallen asleep and then- then- Hikaru was on the bed. Kaoru relaxed. At least....69% relaxed. The other 31% was still concerned about Tamaki.

"What's going on?" he asked, moving over to Hikaru to automatically check on him.


totallytheseme May 8 2009, 03:49:44 UTC
"Tamaki got moved, apparently, but he's not gone," Hikaru answered, scooting over to make room for Kaoru on the bed. "Apparently the nurses said so. And while I don't normally trust the nurses, they would have no reason to lie about something like that, right? Anyway, we can make sure to punish him for worrying us when we see him tomorrow. Maybe even enough to give Ed some more French lessons, hmm?"

He lay his head down on his twin's shoulder, idly watching Ritsuka move towards The Creepy Pedophile, aka Soubi. They seemed to be sharing some sort of tender moment, so he didn't want to pry, though the way Soubi was bending over the boy was a little...disturbing.

"Check out Romeo and Juliet," he muttered, instead. "Looks like the balcony scene might be coming up at any moment. 'But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Ritsuka is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and smite the envious child molester, who is already sick and pale with grief.'"


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