M35 (Clinic)

Apr 21, 2009 09:54

The intercom announcement didn't exactly make Ritsuka feel very safe. It was a blatant reference to Pandora and even if it wasn't, the message was ominous enough to send a chill down anyone's spine. Taking the notice, Ritsuka went over to the door and opened it cautiously. He didn't like the idea of forcing the Clinic on Nataku, but for now, he ( Read more... )

raine, reinforce, klavier, guy, kvothe, senna, hanatarou, ritsuka, kratos, tony castaway, sanzo

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razing_phoenix April 21 2009, 14:40:23 UTC
[From here.]

Guy couldn't miss the note that was waiting for him outside the door to the clinic; he used his flashlight to illuminate the message and then read it over. The fact that Tamaki had been moved somewhere didn't sound too encouraging, but Guy could only worry about it on a very superficial level since he barely knew the boy. Still, it looked like the clinic needed supplies more than ever now, so he was glad that he'd decided to come.

He poked his head in, sword and flashlight in one hand while the pillowcase full of medical supplies was in the other. Some of the patients inside were vaguely familiar, but the only one he really knew was Raine. She was aware of his phobia (somewhat), which meant that he hopefully wouldn't have to worry about any possible awkwardness.

After moving toward her (and yet keeping a safe amount of distance between them), Guy gave her a greeting nod. He also sent a quick glance to the other woman with her. "Hey, uhh... your friend Kratos healed my arm the other night, if you remember, and so I wanted to deliver some supplies here to repay the clinic for helping me. Do you know who I should be giving these to?" He gave the pillowcase a shake.


per_ardua April 22 2009, 01:33:29 UTC
Well, it seemed like things here were mostly taken care of, at least. "Ritsuka, I think," Raine said, indicating the boy. "Thank you." It was another relief to see Tony here; she hated abandoning the Clinic on no notice, but it wasn't the first time and probably wouldn't be the last. The more staff they had for nights like this, the better.

She'd take care of Kvothe if needed (although if he wanted to be healed it wasn't happening--she was too likely to need every spell she had), but as soon as Kratos came in, it was time to go. The sooner they found Sheena, the better.


razing_phoenix April 22 2009, 09:32:07 UTC
That had been a nice, concise answer, which Guy appreciated. Though after taking a second to think about it, he realized that Raine seemed to be in a rush herself. She was still composed, but there was a sense of urgency about her that made him wonder if something was wrong.

Still, it wasn't his place to ask about it, especially since his curiosity would just delay her further. She had already been kind enough to help him, and he had his own matters to see to.

Guy turned toward the boy she had pointed out right as he heard one of the other patients talking about how he needed painkillers. Perfect! Smiling to himself, Guy nodded his thanks to the woman and her friend before heading over to the the trio of boys.

[Breaking posting order since Guy's jumping up here.]


per_ardua April 23 2009, 04:27:46 UTC
[And breaking posting order to jump down!]

"I'll ask about Kratos in a moment," Raine muttered to Reinforce. It was good to see people coming to the clinic, but they did not have time for this.

[Down a thread.]


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