So one of my friends is working on a visual-novel that's some sort of cross between Children of the Corn, Nightmare On Elm Street, and a mecha/robot anime. One of her actresses had to step out due to schedule conflicts, so she asked me if I was interested in her role: An Asian soldier and former gangster with a kid
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So a lot of the apple skins in my cyser are turning white somehow. Maybe it's from the gases formed by yeast production? Or sitting in the honey-water mix for a few days? Either way, it's very interesting
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Intangible Updates:-Joined a forum called Spirit Lodge last night. I figured since I use it for so much on-the-fly totem information, I might as well join it so I can have discussions and all
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-As expected, I have to overhaul my Donkeyskin/Celtic fusion script to get it suitable for this show. However, seeing as I was teetering on making the music folk/blues due to their Irish roots anyway, I decided to just fine-tune that idea for the songs. I'm also brainstorming at least two ways to connect it with other people's ideas
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Some of our production's original cast showed up to watch on Saturday, and I have taken three days to get out of my JFSKLDSJKA SQUEEEEEE mode. They said a lot of good stuff about the cast, set, and costume design, and the WRITER said that with our progress from what he'd seen two weeks ago (which already got good feedback from him), he expected to
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I was planning to post a few days ago, but a lot of weird/frustrating stuff happened. I had to do house chores and then Mom got mad at me for forgetting about OTHER house-chores, and naturally my sister ganged up on me for that as well. And it didn't help that I forgot to tell them when opening night would start and end, so my after-performance
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