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Comments 547

abvj May 10 2009, 06:06:40 UTC
I'll get this show on the road.

Mark/Lexie, first


Firsts - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 caer May 11 2009, 07:06:38 UTC
It took me a while to put into words what I was thinking. I hope it came out okay =) And let's hope this actually fits in the comment box, lol.


There are many firsts you experienced before Mark Sloan.

Your first kiss with Andrew McKinney in grade four under the slide on the playground (an innocent peck on the cheek).

Your first real kiss with Scott Holding on your 13th birthday party (also your first boy/girl party). Then your first heartbreak on the same day, when you caught him kissing Jenny Hart.

When you were 16, you brought home your first boyfriend, Mickey Talt, who played saxophone and had the dreamiest eyes in the entire class. A year later when you’re 17, he would use those eyes to get naked with you after the Prom and would become the first boy that got to 4th base ( ... )


Re: Firsts - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 caer May 11 2009, 07:27:00 UTC
Just wanted to add that writing in 2nd POV is like a drug! O_O


Re: Firsts - Mark/Lexie, PG-13 rinslet May 11 2009, 07:30:38 UTC
*dreamy sigh*

I love this part:

...that Mark has a deathgrip on your hand. He cared enough to show up and that’s when you realize that’s all you need from him.

And i love how you list out their moments and somehow made it more significant by having Lexie pointing it out as a first for something.


abvj May 10 2009, 06:21:02 UTC
Mark/Lexie, first date


technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 10 2009, 21:51:25 UTC
“It doesn’t count as a date,” she insists, with the sheet pulled up to her chest, the both of them still in bed despite the fact that it’s nine in the morning. It’s their day off, and they don’t have a single reason to leave for the entirety of it, so they linger, just them and the sheets, the discarded newspaper hanging precariously half on and half off of the bed, shades of grey that contrast against bright white, and her half-empty cereal bowl left over from breakfast resting on the nightstand ( ... )


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 abvj May 11 2009, 01:37:50 UTC
I LOVE THIS. Have I mentioned to you lately how much I adore the way you write these two? I love the easiness here, the back and forth banter (Lord knows I love my ships to be filled with it) they way that just exist with each other, no questions asked.

Mark laughs first, and she’s grateful for it because she almost can’t finish the sentence without giggling over the absurdity of the statement. They always have been a little backwards anyways.

Such a fantastic way to end it. Thank you for this. I really enjoyed it.


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 12 2009, 01:15:33 UTC
Banter is fun, and these two have a lot of it. I like to think they're the only really happy ship on this show, you know? Without all the drama.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


abvj May 10 2009, 06:21:27 UTC
Mark/Callie, exploration


abvj May 10 2009, 06:21:46 UTC
Lexie/Alex, mistakes


Infallible - Alex/Lexie - PG-15 foibles_fables May 10 2009, 17:27:13 UTC
Awesome prompt - I still love these two.

He hadn't been expecting it. Not after what he had told her earlier that day, about what kind of guy he was and what she could expect of him. No, nothing prepared him for the moment a few hours later when she walked up to him, hands on her hips and a glimmer in her eyes.

"If you don't want to have a drink with me," she offered, raising her eyebrows, "then how about some sex instead?" He laughed, thinking she was joking. But she pursed her lips, dead serious, and waited for his response, and all at once she wasn't the girl he took her for.

What was he supposed to say? No?So Alex took her home (because it's his home too). He tore her clothes off halfway up the stairs, inciting mad giggles and blushing. He ripped the sheet off of his bed and wrapped her in it, trapping her in his arms and pressing her against the wall before moving in for a kiss. Lexie smiled and closed the rest of the distance, eagerly waiting for their lips to crash together for the first time ( ... )


Re: Infallible - Alex/Lexie - PG-15 justforyoudear May 10 2009, 17:34:48 UTC
Oh, my. This was so very Alex. I always liked these two as well, and I'm glad you wrote this.

He spoke, and it was gravelly and cocky with the slightest hint of underlying meaning. "Alex Karev doesn't make mistakes."

That is so Alex that is quite uncanny. Thank you for sharing this. I didn't realize up until now how much I used to like these two. Up until the point where he forgot he slept with her LOL


Re: Infallible - Alex/Lexie - PG-15 foibles_fables May 12 2009, 19:20:21 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :)


littleone87 May 10 2009, 06:25:56 UTC
Mark/Lexie, running


we're all trying to outrun something - Mark, Mark/Lexie, pg-15 abvj May 10 2009, 08:22:16 UTC
(not what you were expecting, I'm sure, but this is what happened?)


It is an adjustment.

Always one step forwards, three steps to the side because this is new for him, uncharted territory. He’s Mark Sloan, he doesn’t do relationships. He tried once- hooked all his hopes and dreams on what-ifs, on somebody and tried the best he could, but ultimately failed miserably. The resulting heartbreak alone (and yeah, he does have a heart go figure) was enough to ward him off forever. Enough to send him running in the other direction whenever a situation arose that even looked like it was heading towards something even resembling commitment.

The thing is that Mark loves fucking. He loves women and maybe in the beginning that was all this was about. Maybe in the beginning he took what was offered to him, no questions asked and that was that.

Lexie had been there, standing in front of him, sweater somewhere near his feet saying teach me and he’ll ask anyone who tries to argue: what else was there to do? He’s male, he’s human (and he ( ... )


Re: we're all trying to outrun something - Mark, Mark/Lexie, pg-15 littleone87 May 10 2009, 08:34:05 UTC
GAH!!!!!!! Are you kidding me? This is PERFECT!!!! I didn't have any expectation in mind. I just thought running and posted it!

The resulting heartbreak alone (and yeah, he does have a heart go figure)was enough to ward him off forever.
Oh my goodness. This line just kills me. Poor, sweet, Mark. Of COURSE he has a heart, and he got it broken so badly, why should he want to get into anything remotely romantic again?

Enough to send him running in the other direction whenever a situation arose that even looked like it was heading towards something even resembling commitment.

Beautiful. This is the best "running" response I could have asked for. Mark is always running in the other direction. He doesn't know how to have a steady and stable relationship. It's natural for him to run away.

but the sheer need to stay on equal footing with Derek is always going to be there.

Again, Poor Mark. Always comparing and trying to prove himself to be not that bad. Prove himself worthy. Especially to Derek.

After that first night, with his feet ( ... )


Re: we're all trying to outrun something - Mark, Mark/Lexie, pg-15 abvj May 10 2009, 15:39:00 UTC
YAY! I'm glad you liked this.

Always comparing and trying to prove himself to be not that bad. Prove himself worthy. Especially to Derek.

Which is ridiculous right? He's a billiant surgeon, he's smart and beautiful. Professionally he has it all going for him, and I just know it kills him that he can't be on equal footing on this one thing with Derek. It saddens me too, because I feel like he's going to be forever trying even out the gap between them. *sighs*

If course he wanted more, and he deserves more. He deserves her.

Can I just point out that I love how she knows in the beginning too? When they're in the exam room and he says it can never happen again and she just breathes out the simple okay, not fighting it because SHE KNOWS he'd be back? That's when I knew they were going to be my number one OTP. They just know each other without even trying.

Thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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