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abvj May 10 2009, 06:21:46 UTC
Lexie/Alex, mistakes


Infallible - Alex/Lexie - PG-15 foibles_fables May 10 2009, 17:27:13 UTC
Awesome prompt - I still love these two.

He hadn't been expecting it. Not after what he had told her earlier that day, about what kind of guy he was and what she could expect of him. No, nothing prepared him for the moment a few hours later when she walked up to him, hands on her hips and a glimmer in her eyes.

"If you don't want to have a drink with me," she offered, raising her eyebrows, "then how about some sex instead?" He laughed, thinking she was joking. But she pursed her lips, dead serious, and waited for his response, and all at once she wasn't the girl he took her for.

What was he supposed to say? No?So Alex took her home (because it's his home too). He tore her clothes off halfway up the stairs, inciting mad giggles and blushing. He ripped the sheet off of his bed and wrapped her in it, trapping her in his arms and pressing her against the wall before moving in for a kiss. Lexie smiled and closed the rest of the distance, eagerly waiting for their lips to crash together for the first time ( ... )


Re: Infallible - Alex/Lexie - PG-15 justforyoudear May 10 2009, 17:34:48 UTC
Oh, my. This was so very Alex. I always liked these two as well, and I'm glad you wrote this.

He spoke, and it was gravelly and cocky with the slightest hint of underlying meaning. "Alex Karev doesn't make mistakes."

That is so Alex that is quite uncanny. Thank you for sharing this. I didn't realize up until now how much I used to like these two. Up until the point where he forgot he slept with her LOL


Re: Infallible - Alex/Lexie - PG-15 foibles_fables May 12 2009, 19:20:21 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :)


Re: Infallible - Alex/Lexie - PG-15 abvj May 11 2009, 01:39:12 UTC
I love how forward she is in this -- mostly because it's a nice call back to the way she is with Mark in 5x10. Everyone things she is this shiny and bright person, reserved, but I know there's something more to her and you really captures it here.

This was great! Thanks for sharing.


Re: Infallible - Alex/Lexie - PG-15 foibles_fables May 12 2009, 19:21:33 UTC
Thank you! Lexie definitely is a sly devil, even though she might not show it.

I'm glad you enjoyed this!


Re: Infallible - Alex/Lexie - PG-15 shiparker May 11 2009, 19:13:55 UTC
My Mark and Lexie heart kind of still thinks Lexie and Alex are not as awesome, but in a weird way I did appretiate AL back in the days (So I am not against to read anything from those days, specially as good as this) and I really enjoyed this prompt. You filled the spaces the show missed and they did have potential. Anyway, it's always great to see Mark and Lexie from past and present in order to built them as character and you do have an great understandment of them (Lexie specially). I love it! Alex's line about not making mistakes was great.


Re: Infallible - Alex/Lexie - PG-15 foibles_fables May 12 2009, 19:23:12 UTC
Thanks! :) I really did enjoy Alex/Lexie at the time, but I like Mark/Lexie a lot more.

I'm so glad you liked this!


Re: Infallible - Alex/Lexie - PG-15 caer May 13 2009, 05:25:46 UTC
You know, I really liked Alex and Lexie together on the show =) And I remember laughing especially hard at the expression on Lexie's face when Meredith opened her door. This was a *great* read XD I especially loved the insights from Alex's POV. Lol, I always wondered how he felt...Awesome job, as usual! =D


mistakes we knew we were making - alex/lexie - r slybrunette May 10 2009, 19:26:26 UTC
**set early Season 5 ( ... )


Re: mistakes we knew we were making - alex/lexie - r abvj May 10 2009, 21:11:19 UTC
I absolutely adore the way you word things. Everything just flows, when you write, and it's a skill I'm particularly envious of.

wonders if you always have to regret your mistakes or if they can just be that thing you did a few times too many and nothing more.

That line specifically for all the implications it brings about and the specific insight into Lexie.

I could so see this happening on the show -- one of those moments we just never got to see -- and I think that is such a testament to how good of a writer you are.

Excellent stuff.


Re: mistakes we knew we were making - alex/lexie - r slybrunette May 10 2009, 21:15:03 UTC
You envy the way my writing flows? I've got news for you hun, but your stuff flows like no other, and that's one of the reasons you are like one of three people whom I religiously read fic from in this fandom. Seriously.

And yeah, I like canonizing everything. It's a habit I've been told I need to break, but in cases like these it actually helps me know what to write, or maybe when to write it contextually.

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and for doing this :)


(The comment has been removed)

Re: mistakes we knew we were making - alex/lexie - r slybrunette May 12 2009, 01:14:09 UTC
Thanks hun! I'm glad you thought so :)


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