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mistakes we knew we were making - alex/lexie - r slybrunette May 10 2009, 19:26:26 UTC
**set early Season 5**


“I thought you were back with,” the rest of her sentence gets lost when she sucks in a breath, his lips against her throat, moving down to her collarbone and doing something with his teeth that gives her pause. She finishes, a second later, with, “Back with Izzie.”

Alex doesn’t give her a straight answer. Alex doesn’t give people straight answers. “I thought you were lusting over O’Malley.”

She shifts underneath him, bites her lip so that she doesn’t do something petty like accidentally-on-purpose dig her nails into his back hard enough to draw blood, or, you know, elbow him in the ribs. “Shut up,” Lexie says, instead.

“Crappy taste in men,” he says, from between her breasts, sweat slick, and she arches into him a little. The sex here is not a thing like the sex from before was, back when it was kind of innocent in the way where she was pressed into a wall, wrapped only in a sheet, completely oblivious to the fact that ten seconds later Meredith would walk out of the bedroom and find them. The kind of innocence that gets killed when you realize that you just became embroiled in the most tangled web of sex lives and roommates that she’s ever had the unfortunate luck of experiencing.

“Says the guy I’m currently fucking,” she retorts, and he kind of laughs against her skin, an odd vibration, and it isn’t until she says it that she decides maybe he falls under that category too. He isn’t the guy for her, and she’s under no delusions leaning otherwise. He’s merely the guy she’s using to cope with her own problems, this pull between George, the guy she was formerly obsessed with, and kind of still is, and Mark, the guy who keeps giving her these looks like maybe he thinks about getting her into bed sometimes, even if he shouldn’t.

She’s fairly sure that she serves a similar purpose for him as well, maybe always has, and so that guilty feeling passes fairly quickly. They weren’t ever meant to be anything more than black marks on each other’s records, mistakes that they knew they were making before they even got their clothes off, and yet they went ahead and did it anyhow.

He doesn’t respond to her half-hearted insult, instead just grinds his hips into hers, and she wraps one leg around his waist and wonders if you always have to regret your mistakes or if they can just be that thing you did a few times too many and nothing more.


Re: mistakes we knew we were making - alex/lexie - r abvj May 10 2009, 21:11:19 UTC
I absolutely adore the way you word things. Everything just flows, when you write, and it's a skill I'm particularly envious of.

wonders if you always have to regret your mistakes or if they can just be that thing you did a few times too many and nothing more.

That line specifically for all the implications it brings about and the specific insight into Lexie.

I could so see this happening on the show -- one of those moments we just never got to see -- and I think that is such a testament to how good of a writer you are.

Excellent stuff.


Re: mistakes we knew we were making - alex/lexie - r slybrunette May 10 2009, 21:15:03 UTC
You envy the way my writing flows? I've got news for you hun, but your stuff flows like no other, and that's one of the reasons you are like one of three people whom I religiously read fic from in this fandom. Seriously.

And yeah, I like canonizing everything. It's a habit I've been told I need to break, but in cases like these it actually helps me know what to write, or maybe when to write it contextually.

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and for doing this :)


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Re: mistakes we knew we were making - alex/lexie - r slybrunette May 12 2009, 01:14:09 UTC
Thanks hun! I'm glad you thought so :)


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