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technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 10 2009, 21:51:25 UTC
“It doesn’t count as a date,” she insists, with the sheet pulled up to her chest, the both of them still in bed despite the fact that it’s nine in the morning. It’s their day off, and they don’t have a single reason to leave for the entirety of it, so they linger, just them and the sheets, the discarded newspaper hanging precariously half on and half off of the bed, shades of grey that contrast against bright white, and her half-empty cereal bowl left over from breakfast resting on the nightstand.

He reaches over her, going for his phone that’s also on the nightstand, turning it on for the first time that day. Just in case. “We went out to dinner. There was wine and dressing up. That’s a date.”

“Really?” It comes out incredulous, raised eyebrows and everything, and if she was standing her hands would be on her hips right now or arms would be crossed or something semi-hostile, but she isn’t and he’s still half leaned over her so she has to settle for backing up against the headboard and glaring at the skin of his back as he plays with his phone. “You think going to dinner with my father - my father - qualifies as a date?”

“It was worth a shot,” was probably supposed to be mumbled and, more importantly, unheard by her, but it isn’t, and she hits him in the shoulder with the hand that isn’t restricted by his current position. He returns to his side of the bed, with a, “What?”

“You really didn’t have any sort of normal relationships with woman did you.” It’s not a question, it’s an observation, therefore it’s phrased as such.

Mark doesn’t even try to hide it. “Haven’t we had this conversation before?”

She frowns because, when she thinks about it, he’s right. “Several variations of it actually. Which is not the point, so stop trying to get me off of the point.”

“But it’s so easy.” This time when he leans over her it’s to kiss her, one hand slipping into her hair while the other dips beneath the sheets. She sighs into his mouth, aware that giving into this is the same thing as letting him win, and so she pulls back just as far as she can go with the wall behind her and presses her hand into his chest to keep him at a distance. He gets the message - no more fun for him until she gets what she wants out of him. “Fine. You want to go on a date?”

“Not if you’re going to act like it’s a chore,” is accompanied by a pout that is a complete act, probably entirely transparent too, but it works like a charm, and he maybe looks a little regretful. She adds, “You’re just probably scared because you haven’t been on a date with a girl since like high school.”

“I am not scared.”

“Fine,” she says, wetting her lips but still keeping her hand firmly pressed against his chest, “you’re intimidated.”

“Oh, I’ll take you on a date,” he says, challenge officially accepted. “I’ll take you on the date to end all dates.”

“Okay,” she replies, trying not to smile or giggle or do any of those things that kind of kill this whole holding the upper hand thing that she’s got going right now. “Although I should probably tell you that I don’t sleep with someone after the first date. It’ll take at least three to work me over.”

Mark laughs first, and she’s grateful for it because she almost can’t finish the sentence without giggling over the absurdity of the statement. They always have been a little backwards anyways.


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 abvj May 11 2009, 01:37:50 UTC
I LOVE THIS. Have I mentioned to you lately how much I adore the way you write these two? I love the easiness here, the back and forth banter (Lord knows I love my ships to be filled with it) they way that just exist with each other, no questions asked.

Mark laughs first, and she’s grateful for it because she almost can’t finish the sentence without giggling over the absurdity of the statement. They always have been a little backwards anyways.

Such a fantastic way to end it. Thank you for this. I really enjoyed it.


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 12 2009, 01:15:33 UTC
Banter is fun, and these two have a lot of it. I like to think they're the only really happy ship on this show, you know? Without all the drama.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 rinslet May 11 2009, 06:33:34 UTC
LOL. Only Mark would count dinner with her father as a date. Geez mark, you sure are romantic.

Fantastic job again~


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 12 2009, 01:16:25 UTC
Mark's just a little...unaware. He's like a teenager here, you know, he doesn't date, he doesn't know.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 shiparker May 11 2009, 19:08:38 UTC
You're sssooooo awesome! Really, this was so funny and so Mark and Lexie. You have always been brilliant when it comes to every single Grey's dynamics (Meaning I totally wanted to read more prompts from you *winks*). I love how Lexie gets what she wants without make it a big fight. She so knows how to handle him (Oh no, I am taking this as cannon heee) and I love how he is easily bend. I have to say I loved this part:

“Not if you’re going to act like it’s a chore,” is accompanied by a pout that is a complete act, probably entirely transparent too, but it works like a charm, and he maybe looks a little regretful. She adds, “You’re just probably scared because you haven’t been on a date with a girl since like high school.”

“I am not scared.”

“Fine,” she says, wetting her lips but still keeping her hand firmly pressed against his chest, “you’re intimidated.”

“Oh, I’ll take you on a date,” he says, challenge officially accepted. “I’ll take you on the date to end all dates.”

Oh, the male ego... and it seemed something he would say just because of what she said. I had to supress a giggle like Lexie did because it was indeed hilarious.

You're so good on writting, not overly sappy, just playful and funny. I love it.


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 12 2009, 01:19:30 UTC
Aw you're so sweet! And believe me, I'll be writing a lot more. I've already gotten three done, and I'm working on a fourth.

And yes, Mark definitely has an ego, doesn't he? lol

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 cynthia_arrow May 12 2009, 02:06:06 UTC
They are just so cute!


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 12 2009, 02:09:14 UTC
I know right? They bring out my fluffy side, somehow. Thanks for reading and reviewing hun!


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 caer May 13 2009, 05:21:59 UTC
I. Love. The. Dialogue. O_O Along with everything else, lol. Heh, I loved Mark trying to wiggle his way out of going on a date; that's just like him XD And Lexie for the fake pouting. Gah, brilliancy!

You rock. No other way to put it =D


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 13 2009, 21:16:46 UTC
Aw thanks hun! I'm glad that you enjoyed it!


Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13 citymusings November 2 2010, 02:33:43 UTC
Haha! Very funny!


lexiegrey May 25 2012, 05:35:15 UTC
Re: technicalities - mark/lexie - pg-13

Mark and Lexie are so backward. I love it .. Lexie had always had the upper hand in the relationship.


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