Firstly, happy birthday, Dean Winchester! [Spoiler (click to open)]Secondly...there were things I liked and things I didn't like about the last ep, but I'm still engaged and intrigued and have many thinky thoughts about where things might be going, so all is good
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I always enjoy case based episodes and I like the old school creepy ones...[Spoiler (click to open)]and what is creepier than ghost possessed people in scary masks? The bunny was terrifying, as was the clown. I'm not a huge fan of Sheriff Donna, but she's starting to grow on me. She's hiding a lot underneath that chipper, darn tootin' mask.Anyway, suffice to say I enjoyed
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The only things I knew about 11.04 were...[Spoiler (click to open)]that it was called Baby and it was going to be told from the Impala's POV. For some reason, I interpreted this as 'Baby gets turned into a person' and I was quite nervous about the whole episode. Consequently, I spent the entire episode waiting with trepidation for Baby to turn into a person and was quite
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There were things that I enjoyed about this week's episode.
[Spoilers (click to open)]Visually, I thought it looked good. I liked the look and feel and think that Jensen did a good job directing
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So episode 11.02 made me think more thinky thoughts and I am very keen to see episode three because it feels very much like last season, that the opening gambit is sort of a three ep arc.
[Spoiler (click to open)]Firstly, kudos to indiachick for correctly predicting the fire solution! I may have bemused my son by shouting Ha! Indiachick picked that! at my TV screen
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My all-time favourite ever season opener was Lazarus Rising, back in Season 4. The Season 11 opener hasn't bumped it from top spot, but there was plenty that I engaged with.
[Spoiler (click to open)]To be honest, I was a little ho-hum when I heard that this season's big bad, a pre-creation destructive force of pure evil, was going to be personified as a woman. Really?
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I really enjoyed 10.17.[Spoiler (click to open)]There was Dean hustling pool in a dive bar and well-integrated storylines and did I mention the pool hustling? This episode was definitely up there with the best of this season. :)
Title: Snow Day Author: zara_zee Beta: Not beta’d Genre(s): Episode coda Rating: PG-13, Gen Spoilers: Episode 10.17 Word Count: ~1,200 Disclaimer:
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There were highs and lows in this week's episode.[Spoiler (click to open)]It gets a great big thumbs up for smart!Sam solving the problem with research and knowledge and for that lovely scene with Dean in the confessional. Jensen nailed the delivery--from the slightly comic oversell of Dean's shortcomings for the ghost's benefit, to his more serious revelations about his
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