Title: Not Today Rating: PG Pairings:Jessica/Krystal (jung without the cest, darn); SunSica Summary: I'll grow up one day, but not today A/N: Jungsis requested by anon and happens that the showers is a spring of ideas. I'm still sad that the criteria is to have nothing cesty in this :( btw, gross unedited work, proceed with caution.
Now, I'm sure it was hard for you to *not* make this all Juncest-y, huh? Either way, I really loved this piece! It was simple, yet derp in its own way. How the theme cycles from Jessica's insecurities to Krystal's. Bravo. :00
Hehehe that SunSica in there, too. Ball of sunshine gf. <333
Jessica took on too many roles and now, at one go, all of it disappeared.---THIS LINE SO MUCH. I've never been through this specific scenario myself, yet I understand.
Comments 3
even though i was forced to take the cest out, hope you liked it! and excuse the rough work oops
i don't usually take requests but it's the jungs~ can't say no~ <3
Now, I'm sure it was hard for you to *not* make this all Juncest-y, huh? Either way, I really loved this piece! It was simple, yet derp in its own way. How the theme cycles from Jessica's insecurities to Krystal's. Bravo. :00
Hehehe that SunSica in there, too. Ball of sunshine gf. <333
Jessica took on too many roles and now, at one go, all of it disappeared.---THIS LINE SO MUCH. I've never been through this specific scenario myself, yet I understand.
Thanksssss for making this available, bb. :33
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