Title: Maybe Rating: PG Pairings: Sunny/Krystal A/N: Because someone said it'd be a good idea to put two of my biases together. Didn't run this through poor overworked beta so the language... may be bad.
Krystal’s eyes dart to the quaint bookstore just across the street, lingers for a second before reflexes took over and had her quickly
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Title: Byeond the Lines Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Sunny/Tiffany Summary: Multiple personalities? A/N: A fanfiction written for the soshiaufanfics challenge. There are five parts to this arc of the series. And my endless love to the betas Darren (who slogged through the night and morning with me) and Karou95 (with her squeals and insightful comments). And of
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Title: Byeond the Lines Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Sunny/Tiffany Summary: Multiple personalities? A/N: A fanfiction written for the soshiaufanfics challenge. There are five parts to this arc of the series. My endless love to the betas Darren (who slogged through the night and morning with me) and Karou95 (with her squeals and insightful comments). And of course to
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Title: Snippets of Time Rating: PG-13 Pairings: YoonSic/Yulsic/2Ny Summary: Growing up with you- the things we did, paths we crossed and way we changed. A/N: Beta credits to Darren (who wakes up at 5am to edit fics. Compulsive) and Karou95 <3
Title: Snippets of Time Rating: PG-13 Pairings: YoonSic/2Ny Summary: Growing up with you- the things we did, paths we crossed and way we changed. A/N: Beta credits to Darren (who's overworked by me) and Karou95 <3 Have fun reading~
Title: Snippets of Time Rating: PG-13 Pairings: YoonSic/YulSic/2Ny Summary: Growing up with you- the things we did, paths we crossed and way we changed. A/N: Merry Christmas! Here's the present for everyone :D Thanks to Darren (it's a she, this is just a nickname) and Karou95 for the beta work~ <3
Title: Not Today Rating: PG Pairings:Jessica/Krystal (jung without the cest, darn); SunSica Summary: I'll grow up one day, but not today A/N: Jungsis requested by anon and happens that the showers is a spring of ideas. I'm still sad that the criteria is to have nothing cesty in this :( btw, gross unedited work, proceed with caution.