Title: Maybe Rating: PG Pairings: Sunny/Krystal A/N: Because someone said it'd be a good idea to put two of my biases together. Didn't run this through poor overworked beta so the language... may be bad.
Krystal’s eyes dart to the quaint bookstore just across the street, lingers for a second before reflexes took over and had her quickly averting them.
And she paces.
It’s seven in the morning -- too early. Krystal fumbles with her textbook - Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World- and takes a deep breath.
And she darts her eyes over once more and paces for another good three minutes.
She’s glad that the early morning at this part of the town is usually quiet. Old ladies walked by her, but couldn’t care less about her weird behaviour.
So Krystal paces and paces and paces until she finally takes the step to cross the street.
The bell jingles but no one greets her.
Disappointed, Krystal jerks her head in all directions. It isn’t unlikely that the pers-
“Oh, Krystal.”
The voice came from some shelves. Heels scrap the floor as Krystal hesitates.
A familiar figure pops out from behind the shelf two rows down. Tiny smile and squishy cheeks, black hair frames her face and descends down half her back.
“Krystal, hey.”
“Oh hey,” Krystal’s eyes light up.
She’s here!
“Morning class?” She points at the book in Krystal’s hand.
Krystal nods hurriedly. It isn’t really a lie because eleven-thirty is technically classified as morning… right?
“That sucks, I hated morning classes when I was studying… Well that was really long ago, but the disgust stays.” The air is buoyed by a weightless, shimmery laugh.
Sunny makes her way over and with her steps, Krystal’s heart skips in delight.
She’s close. The warmth of her skin presses against Krystal’s arm as she peers at the book. Heat gathers and spreads. She can almost feel Sunny’s breath tickling her exposed collarbone.
“Okay, let’s see what’s this. Hmmm.” Sunny makes a face and shakes her head the moment she’s done scanning the title. “Soojung. Please skip boring ass classes... Shit, I shouldn’t be saying this. Forget what I told you okay?”
Krystal laughs and denies her request.
“I’m a responsible adult. Don’t do this to me.”
Krystal giggles again. “You can’t have things you want all the time, that’s what you told me the other day.”
A hand lands softly on Krystal’s cheeks, rubbing tiny circles on her jaw. She stiffens at the intimate gesture.
“Now, that’s a line I use to reject you, not for you to use on me,” Sunny mutters, voice wispy. She creates a more appropriate gap between them. Subtly.
Krystal is willing to let time pause in this moment. Let it repeat infinitely, even though it did hurt a little.
It’s the fifth day after the rejection and Krystal doesn’t understand it herself, but she persists.
As her eyes follow Sunny’s back and sneaks a peek at her cute butt, she still doesn’t really understand why. But Krystal decides that she will persist until one of them gives in.
“I like you, Sunny.”
Krystal’s heart flutters as Sunny turns her head, the corners of her lips noticeably quirked up.
“You can’t have me. You’re a charming girl, but you can’t.”
Krystal knows what’s coming next but maybe one day it will be another answer.
“‘Cause you can’t have things you want all the time.”
[Author's Note] I owe someone this and to accomplish putting biases together, I should at least put this two together. I've put the Jungs together fairly often so it's time for this. And at least before I retire from the ficdom Hope the language isn't too terribad! Annnddd I'll get to replying comments soon~ ♥︎