Title: Snippets of Time Rating: PG-13 Pairings: YoonSic/Yulsic/2Ny Summary: Growing up with you- the things we did, paths we crossed and way we changed. A/N: Beta credits to Darren (who wakes up at 5am to edit fics. Compulsive) and Karou95 <3
Title: Snippets of Time Rating: R Pairings: YoonSic/Yulsic Summary: Growing up with you- the things we did, paths we crossed and way we changed. A/N: Beta credits to Darren (who writes crack into the story while editing) and Karou95 <3
So I had to rush the last drabble out because karou95decided to post it without warning. Please visit Karou's page, I'm too lazy to explain this. multipairings, G to R(?)
Title: Snippets of Time Rating: PG-13 Pairings: YoonSic/2Ny Summary: Growing up with you- the things we did, paths we crossed and way we changed. A/N: Beta credits to Darren (who's overworked by me) and Karou95 <3 Have fun reading~
Title: Snippets of Time Rating: PG-13 Pairings: YoonSic/YulSic/2Ny Summary: Growing up with you- the things we did, paths we crossed and way we changed. A/N: Merry Christmas! Here's the present for everyone :D Thanks to Darren (it's a she, this is just a nickname) and Karou95 for the beta work~ <3
Title: Not Today Rating: PG Pairings:Jessica/Krystal (jung without the cest, darn); SunSica Summary: I'll grow up one day, but not today A/N: Jungsis requested by anon and happens that the showers is a spring of ideas. I'm still sad that the criteria is to have nothing cesty in this :( btw, gross unedited work, proceed with caution.
Title: Snippets of Time Rating: PG-13 Pairings: YoonSic/YulSic/2Ny Summary: Growing up with you- the things we did, paths we crossed and way we changed. A/N: HIIIII. So insecure posting this chapter, but i really want it out of my system for now. Might be subjected to further editing.
Title: I Loved You, I Love You Rating: PG Pairings: SunSica Summary: We thought it's for life, but this is goodbye A/N: Inspired post jessipocalypse while listening to Miryo's Saranghae Saranghae featuring Sunny
Title: Snippets of Time Rating: PG-13 (brief trigger, maybe) Pairings: YoonSic/YulSic/2Ny Summary: Growing up with you- the things we did, paths we crossed and way we changed. A/N: Sorry for not replying comments yet, been busy bee! Okay, the chapter I've been waiting to post. Have fun.
Title: Snippets of Time Rating: PG-13 Pairings: YoonSic/YulSic/2Ny Summary: Growing up with you- the things we did, paths we crossed and way we changed. A/N: Late late late, Yessss I knowwww. I was crazily busy and this chapter omg, the first version and this version is so different, you guys don't even know. about 5 rounds of editing i think. D: