IC Contact

Dec 02, 2009 22:28

[Careful button presses and a short pause.]

Contact is only necessary should you have valuable information.


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Comments 251

[ voice ] heartbetween December 28 2009, 20:01:40 UTC
[soft, awkward-sounding laugh]

Uh. Byakuya? Misa asked if you wanted to come play in the snow with us. Namine and Sakura will be there too. [from his tone, it sounds as if he completely expects Byakuya to say no. He's just waiting to see how brutal the rejection will be.]

[pausepause] ...I told her I'd ask. So. If you wanna say no, I'm not gonna argue. Just saying.


[ voice ] xnoble_reasonx December 28 2009, 20:27:25 UTC
[Invited? He barely knows this Misa girl, never heard of Sakura and he has no attachments to Namine. It's strange they would bother to think of him when he's made no signs of friendship with them]

I don't play in the snow, Shiba. You should know better than to ask.


[ voice ] heartbetween December 28 2009, 20:42:49 UTC
[something along the lines of "so it's back to 'Shiba', huh?" can be heard muttered at first.]

I did. But Misa asked me to. I didn't want to tell her I wouldn't just because I knew I would be shot down.

But fine. I asked, you said no, whatever. Have a nice day or something.

...[pause] I should know better than to ask this by now too, but your rent's due in five days. Let me know if I can help with that in any way.


[ voice ] xnoble_reasonx December 28 2009, 21:29:47 UTC
[He ignores the mumbles. He doesn't care to carry the conversation any longer than necessary.]

If it occurs to you that it's better not to ask, then you shouldn't ask. I will not be indebted to you. I can survive well enough without your interference.

I suggest you go and have your fun in the snow. It will not last long.


[ voice ] heartbetween January 28 2010, 18:05:55 UTC
People don't just come back from the dead.

[Okay he realizes the irony of that statement, so backtracking a little]

That guy even knows he died. And here, too.

...He's not a Plus either--at least, I don't...think so. He told Aang he wasn't a spirit and if there was a spirit being here besides us we would have noticed by now right?

But that--it's not...how is that possible?


[ voice ] Epic timing returns, duncha know? xnoble_reasonx January 28 2010, 18:13:38 UTC
We can't be certain he is not a spirit until a konso is attempted.

The Mist does incomprehensible things. This should not surprise you.


[ voice ] 8DD -pounces on- heartbetween January 28 2010, 18:29:17 UTC
You know, I don't think he'd take kindly to us raising a sword over his head to test that.

But if we can't even contact the Soul Society, how could we perform a konso anyway?

...If he's a spirit, though, he'd have a broken Chain of Fate attached to his chest. If you want, I can ask him about that.


[ voice ] : D *cling* xnoble_reasonx January 28 2010, 18:43:02 UTC
[He could comment on that. Really, he could. As if anyone would want a sword in their direction.]

Simply because we cannot contact them does not keep us from performing our duties. Our zanpakutou still react as they should--there is no reason to assume that konso would not be the same.

... Be prepared. [He's certain Shiba would know what he means. The Mist corrupts. If he is a soul, it cannot be overlooked.]


[ voice ] lawl, I love how Kaien's the only one who ever uses this heartbetween January 30 2010, 03:36:01 UTC
[His voice is very, very tight.]


Hollows. They're here, in the city...

There shouldn't be hollows here.


[ voice ] xD Leave him alone xnoble_reasonx January 30 2010, 03:49:25 UTC
[He doesn't respond for a moment, not because he doesn't think that Shiba's being a pest about the obvious, but because he's more concerned about locating them in time...]

It was only a matter of time. Have you found anything else strange?


[ voice ] heartbetween January 30 2010, 04:07:13 UTC
[That's what Kaien is worried about too. Without the Soul Phones...how are they going to find all of them? How will they know when new ones arrive?]

How are we going to find all of them in time? These are...they're small fry. Not even Menos.

And how are we going to know when new ones show up? Damnit, figures the Soul Phones not working would actually become a problem.


[ voice ] xnoble_reasonx January 30 2010, 04:19:19 UTC
[It was different before. There was much less to stand in their way. He's even been checking his Soul Phone periodically in perhaps some hope that it might function, just for him to locate them all.]

We'll have to use our senses, until we find a better method. [He knows how unreliable that sounds, but it's all they have.]

Don't plan on getting any rest.


[ voice ] ahaha, here we go~ heartbetween January 31 2010, 20:47:51 UTC
Happy birthday.

[And if Byakuya's paying attention, he might notice the small hint of apprehension in his tone. He had promised to stay out of his personal life, and Byakuya's birthday was not something strictly professional, something to do with being a shinigami.

But...it was his birthday and Kaien wanted to wish him...

Ultimately, he's not really sure what reaction he expects--he knows what reaction he would like, but that's not Byakuya, so he's not even thinking along those lines--and he's a bit nervous.]


[ voice ] xD *pets* xnoble_reasonx January 31 2010, 22:21:04 UTC
[He hadn't been aware that Shiba remembered his birthday, or even that he knew it. He, himself, had let it slip from his mind. He only knows the time frame from gifts from noble families who think it must be a way to stay in his good graces, from women who find it necessary to point out the day of his birth.

So he doesn't respond for a while, because out of all the things he's said, things he's done, Shiba still takes the time to do what he finds unnecessary.]

There was no need.


[ voice ]-snuggle- he just wants a little approval geez Byakuya. D: heartbetween January 31 2010, 23:24:58 UTC
[He doesn't know why the response hurts when he expected nothing. He had already known Byakuya wouldn't thank him or anything, and this response had been relatively a lot less harsh than others had been.

...perhaps it is simply that he did expect something--the rejection of the gesture, the rebuke--and what he expected is exactly what he got and the opposite of what he wants.]

...I. I know, but...it's still important.

[and then more quietly] I'll leave you alone the rest of the day, don't worry. I just...wanted to say it. Nobody else knows today's your birthday. And someone ought to wish you.

[There is a present that has been sitting in his apartment for a month, but now Kaien has lost the nerve to bring it up. He'll just leave it outside his door again. No need to even leave a card, really. He's the only one that knows, after all...]


[ voice] *cuddle* Awww xnoble_reasonx February 1 2010, 00:58:58 UTC
I see.

[Birthdays had never been a lot for him. Perhaps to some, they were bid deals, something that everyone celebrated religiously, with friends and family and all sorts of strange, unnecessary things.

Not that he hadn't ever celebrated, that would have been a lie. He didn't really care for a big celebration or the lavish gifts one could give. He didn't expect Shiba to give him the space he wanted so desperately. It's a bit unsettling, actually, to actually have the private time.]

I'll prepare the tea.


[ voice ] heartbetween May 7 2010, 00:15:42 UTC
[The first thing that the Forge picks up is a sigh.]

This whole place is conspiring to turn me into you.

[It's partially an explanation, partially an apology, and partially just an expression of frustration.]


[ voice ] xnoble_reasonx May 7 2010, 00:24:00 UTC
[How nice. Is that not the proper way to greet someone?]

Perhaps it is time you learned.


[ voice ] heartbetween May 8 2010, 02:51:20 UTC
...You make it really damn hard to apologize to you, you know.


[ voice ] xnoble_reasonx May 8 2010, 03:04:42 UTC
Then do not apologize.

I would have thought you'd come to realize your attachments to them are destroying you. You are not the same man from six months ago.


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