IC Contact

Dec 02, 2009 22:28

[Careful button presses and a short pause.]

Contact is only necessary should you have valuable information.


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[ voice ] heartbetween January 28 2010, 18:05:55 UTC
People don't just come back from the dead.

[Okay he realizes the irony of that statement, so backtracking a little]

That guy even knows he died. And here, too.

...He's not a Plus either--at least, I don't...think so. He told Aang he wasn't a spirit and if there was a spirit being here besides us we would have noticed by now right?

But that--it's not...how is that possible?


[ voice ] Epic timing returns, duncha know? xnoble_reasonx January 28 2010, 18:13:38 UTC
We can't be certain he is not a spirit until a konso is attempted.

The Mist does incomprehensible things. This should not surprise you.


[ voice ] 8DD -pounces on- heartbetween January 28 2010, 18:29:17 UTC
You know, I don't think he'd take kindly to us raising a sword over his head to test that.

But if we can't even contact the Soul Society, how could we perform a konso anyway?

...If he's a spirit, though, he'd have a broken Chain of Fate attached to his chest. If you want, I can ask him about that.


[ voice ] : D *cling* xnoble_reasonx January 28 2010, 18:43:02 UTC
[He could comment on that. Really, he could. As if anyone would want a sword in their direction.]

Simply because we cannot contact them does not keep us from performing our duties. Our zanpakutou still react as they should--there is no reason to assume that konso would not be the same.

... Be prepared. [He's certain Shiba would know what he means. The Mist corrupts. If he is a soul, it cannot be overlooked.]


Re: [ voice ] <333 -snuggle- xD how come you has your comments screened? heartbetween January 28 2010, 18:54:53 UTC
I just mean that the interference in contacting them might mean there isn't a connection between here and the Soul Society, or at least there's interference in that connection.

Just asked him about it. Waiting for an answer.

[long pause]

There's someone else here who says he's a shinigami. But he's...not like us. He's never heard of a zanpakutou.


[ voice ] <33 xD I messed up. I've gotta fix it. xnoble_reasonx January 28 2010, 18:59:21 UTC
You would not be able to contact Soul Society in Hueco Mundo, yet purifying Hollows is still possible.

The 'reaper'? It's possible. This, too, should come as no surprise.


[ voice ] <333 oh god this is late. xD; heartbetween January 30 2010, 04:10:20 UTC

...When were you in Hueco Mundo?

[He finds it a little difficult to believe Byakuya is not surprised at all about this development. But he doesn't mention it. Not giving him a chance to avoid the question.]


[ voice ] xD *pets* It's okay xnoble_reasonx January 30 2010, 04:21:42 UTC
[He ignores the question.]

Watch this shinigami you spoke of. There are some who may use this confusion to their advantage.


[ voice ] heartbetween January 30 2010, 06:08:00 UTC
[You should know he won't let it go that easily]

You didn't answer my question. When were you in Hueco Mundo? What...were you doing there?


[ voice ] Wrong account fail... xnoble_reasonx January 30 2010, 06:14:39 UTC
[He knows. He knows it well, but that does not mean he will acknowledge it.]

If he does anything suspicious, report to me immediately.


[ voice ] Awww. <33 -hug- Ffff, I thought I'd replied to this already! heartbetween January 30 2010, 08:40:33 UTC
...You're still avoiding the question.

What is it that you're hiding from me?


[ voice ] xD Aww. *pets* xnoble_reasonx January 30 2010, 08:49:35 UTC
I was merely informing you. There is nothing for you to know.


[ voice ] -huggle- <3 HE WON'T LET IT GO, BYAKUYA. >D heartbetween January 31 2010, 01:13:06 UTC
[Oh Byakuya, you would get such an eyeroll if this was video]

Yeah, right.

I didn't recognize all the names on that first post of yours when you got here, but Unohana at least is another captain. Yamamoto wouldn't be sending two, or more, captains to a dimension from which you said yourself Soul Society cannot be contacted unless it was very serious.

What the hell's going on there?


[ voice ] You can't win, Kaien! xnoble_reasonx January 31 2010, 03:21:39 UTC
I've already told you, there is nothing for you to know. Do not make me repeat myself.


[ voice ] he'll hassle you about it forever and ever now~ also: -pounces on- <3 heartbetween January 31 2010, 03:29:17 UTC
You're lying.


[ voice ] *snuggle* Silly Kaien xnoble_reasonx January 31 2010, 03:37:05 UTC
Think what you will. It does not concern you.


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