Fic title: "The Long Way Home"
the_milky_wayGenre: Dark Angel/RPS
Pairing: Alec/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: maybe for underage (Jared is 17), other than that.. well it is rated NC-17 after all.
Word Count: ~ 69.900
Disclaimer: This story is fictional (not real, didn't happen). Not true in any way. I don't own anything. Dark Angel belongs to Fox and no money is being made out of this.
In a future not far from now, in a broken world, family is all you can rely upon.
banner made by
purequicksilver The Long Way Home:
Part 1 *
Part 2 A *
Part 2 B *
Part 3 A *
Part 3 B *
Part 4 *
Part 5 *
Part 6A *
Part 6 B *
Part 7 ***
"Everything you've been waiting for", NC-17, ~2.500, set after "The Long Way Home"
"Alec likes the quiet", PG, set in "the Long Way Home" verse
The entire verse as PDF DOWLOAD
on MU on Mediafire