Spreading the SPN love

Sep 21, 2010 03:49

Both of my younger brothers watch the show with me every week. I take credit for getting them hooked. It was all me. :D

My one great sadness in all this SPN joy was that my best friend, my sister, not only didn't watch the show but didn't even want to hear about it! She's been worried about how quickly I became obsessed, concerned that I was taking ( Read more... )

real life rambling, family

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Comments 33

trinaaron September 21 2010, 14:03:56 UTC
Long comment ahead ( ... )


wynefred September 21 2010, 14:44:17 UTC
I love long comments!

"The pretty one doesn't have visions?" LOL

"She clearly has great taste by the way." Oh, ha! lol.... at least I like Sammy too, so it won't be too awkward. Right now, she's not at all impressed by Dean, so there's not that evenness in our conversations. It's early, though. She may at least come to appreciate my guy as much as I appreciate hers.

You had the DVDs and never watched them? Good thing you and your husband were bored that day. Just think what would have happened if you'd opted for something else instead. The horror! :P


:( doylescordy September 21 2010, 16:34:48 UTC
You're so lucky you have people to watch Supernatural with in person. I have no one. If I didn't have the online fans to chat with, I would feel even more isolated than I already do. It's kinda depressing.

I've TRIED to get my friends or family into Supernatural with no luck. I even bribed my best friend into watching 2 episodes of Supernatural if in exchange I went and saw that latest Twilight movie with her (*shudder*) and STILL it didn't hook her. I convinced my cousin to watch an episode with me too. He CLAIMED he liked it, but then he doesn't bother wanting to catch up or make time to follow it.

I just wish I had someone. Online is fun and all, but it's nothing like having someone in person to share it with. My best friend and I used to watch Buffy together. We even threw a little party at her house for the series finale. I miss those days.


Re: :( wynefred September 22 2010, 01:25:26 UTC
I totally understand. Before my brothers started to watch, I was aching to share the show with someone. I didn't even have any online friends at the time! It was awful. I feel for you!

So sorry you had to sit through Twilight for the hope of hooking a friend onto Supernatural.

I hope someone suddenly has an epiphany and realizes what they've been missing all these years. You need a RL SPN friend. *hugs*


trystan830 September 21 2010, 17:50:32 UTC
heh another convert! *woot* =)

my girls watch it with me... the older one is a SammyGirl, and the little one is a WinchesterGirl. heh.


wynefred September 22 2010, 01:36:17 UTC
WinchesterGirl. That's cool.

My sister accused me today of not telling her that "her Sammy" didn't like to be called Sammy. lol
She's come around very quickly.


trystan830 September 22 2010, 01:44:54 UTC
yep, she likes both. =)

heee.... lol. ;)


txgirl0302 September 21 2010, 19:04:58 UTC
LOL very well done chica. Another Supernatural convert. *Salutes you* You've done good.

I hope you make it out to Nashville. I would like to request that you take LOADS of pictures and tell Jensen that I love him. Thank you. LOL!


wynefred September 22 2010, 01:59:06 UTC
Heh. Thanks!

Now the website says that the Nashville con is April 29-May 1. That's not what I remember. I thought it said May 27-29 a few days ago. There's a big difference between end of April and end of May. Difference between "fits in the schedule" and "this'll take a lot of juggling". *sigh*

And I'll have to buy a camera to take pictures! Can you believe that I don't own one?


caithream September 21 2010, 21:26:28 UTC
OH if only I had such luck with my sister! My family and I watched the first two seasons together and then my sister was like, "...yeah I'm... not going to watch it anymore." I was SHOCKED I tell you, SHOCKED. But yay, Nashville Con!


wynefred September 22 2010, 02:02:12 UTC
I hear ya! How can anyone start watching this show and then just quit? In S2? That was one of the best seasons! Right up there with 1, 3, 4, and 5! :P


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