Spreading the SPN love

Sep 21, 2010 03:49

Both of my younger brothers watch the show with me every week. I take credit for getting them hooked. It was all me. :D

My one great sadness in all this SPN joy was that my best friend, my sister, not only didn't watch the show but didn't even want to hear about it! She's been worried about how quickly I became obsessed, concerned that I was taking this show too seriously, letting it take over my life, yadda yadda yadda. I've tried very hard to avoid the conversation when she's around, but really fandom has become a huge part of my life, and it just bothers me that I can't share that with her.

The following is a long, rather boring story about how I also hooked my sister. Feel free to pass it on by. I had to share, though, because I'm just so daggum pleased (and a bit smug). *g*

I had an interesting conversation with raloria during which she convinced me to seriously consider attending a convention sooner rather than later. Her arguments were very compelling. There's a con in Nashville, TN, coming up in May that would be perfect! Only about a 3-hour drive from here and it's a couple of weeks after my 39th birthday. Of course, I mentioned my tentative plans to my sister.

The conversation went a little like this:
Me: *trying very hard to sound casual* So, there's this thing down in Nashville next May that I'm thinking of going to.
Sis: *sceptically* You mean for that show you watch?
Me: *failing to keep the fangirl giddy from my voice* Supernatural. Yes.
Sis: Oh.
Me: *cautiously* Too bad you're not a fan. I'd take you with me.
...*another pause*
Sis: Okay, so let's do it.
Me: What? You don't watch the show!
Sis: So? It'll still be fun. A little vacation.
Me: No. Just, no. You're NOT going just to have a separate vacation on your own or something. No. The whole point would be for us to attend the functions together. You don't watch the show. You wouldn't have any idea who those people are or what anyone is talking about. So, no. Don't even tease me like that.
...*yet another pause*
Sis: Well, uhm.. I guess I could catch up.
Me: Wha?? You mean you wanna watch it? 
Sis: You've got all the episodes on DVD, right? So, I tell you what: I'll just watch the pilot and let you know if I like it. If I do, you can catch me up before the thing in May and I'll go with you.

That was Sunday. I'd been sitting in her livingroom at the time. She'd just put dinner in the oven and her family and I were all going to sit down to dinner in less than half an hour. She sent me straight home to get the first season DVDs. It's a 15-20 minute drive to my house; it took less than 45 minutes to drive there, grab the DVDs, and drive back. By the time I got back, she'd fed and bathed the kids and gotten them ready for bed early. She immediately shooed me into the kitchen to fix my plate (she'd already eaten) and take it down to the basement where she was all set up for a night of watching Supernatural.

She informed me from the start that she was only going to watch the pilot, though she might watch enough to at least be familiar with the show so I'd let her come with me for her mini-vacation. She wasn't intending to enjoy it or anything. I kept my mouth firmly shut when the pilot ended and she moved on to Wendigo. Didn't say a word. Honest. I was good. But I couldn't help the smirk when she moved on to Dead in the Water. By the time she finished the first three episodes, it was well past her bedtime.

She was off from work today and intended to use the free time to unpack more boxes from her recent move. I was not surprised, though, when she called me at around 2:00 to tell me that she was on Skin. Oh, and she'd caught a piece of the re-runs playing during the day and wanted to know why her precious Sammy (yes, she called him that) was infected with demon blood and when did his shoulders explode! What happened to her sweet little boy? LOL. At around 9:00 PM she called again and asked me to "hold her hand" as she finished Asylum. I stayed on the phone with her until Dean killed the spirit of the crazy doctor. Then she had to let me go so she could concentrate on the next episode. She's upset that I only left the first season with her. She's totally and completely hooked.

One unexpected glitch is that my beloved sister is now a Samgirl. The traitor! :D Good thing is that at least we won't be fighting over the same guy. Heh.

Looks like I might be going to that Nashville con after all. And I might even have a new fan to drag there with me!! \o/


real life rambling, family

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