Bollocks to it.

Dec 05, 2008 12:26

If I could take a moment of your time dear readers, I wish to canvas your opinions ( Read more... )

poll, gentlemen aren't nice

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Comments 18

evilref December 5 2008, 13:02:06 UTC
Well, we write from our experiences. Next time you want to write an insensitive prick, you'll be that little bit better at it.
Hope things get better soon.


ginasketch December 5 2008, 13:48:55 UTC
I second what maznu said.


maznu December 5 2008, 16:59:57 UTC
I'm surprised anyone seconded what I had to say... but mainly because I have a bit of a mad take on relationships... thankyee =)


ginasketch December 5 2008, 17:04:17 UTC
Whoops...guess I should have been more clear. I wasn't seconding your first part. Eek. I was seconding this:

"Take the experience as evidence that the ex is better of being an ex!."

I'm afraid I don't exactly agree with the rest.


maznu December 6 2008, 04:10:37 UTC
Heehee, I thought that might be the case, which is why I was so surprised! No offence taken =)

(curse my inability to type two "f"s in "off" in the bit you do agree with, though!)


blue_cat December 5 2008, 14:13:44 UTC
Hum, I think I have thunk further. It is a nasty awkward situation to be in, and there may well not be a Miss Manners way around things ( ... )


_grimtales_ December 5 2008, 17:13:54 UTC
A wing of flying sexbots with loudspeakers set to 'Richter Scale Rockstar Sex' have been sent to your location in order to enact noisy revenge.

Please stand by.


wraithwitch December 6 2008, 11:34:24 UTC
Wondrous - I await their arrival with glee =)


annwfyn December 5 2008, 17:27:40 UTC
I think it's totally unacceptable - just one of these things you Do Not Do. For chrissakes, jez and I spent a month and a half only able to snog in parks when we first got together, because he was still living with his ex, and I was living with my Dad. And it's what we did because the alternative was to be vastly disrespectful, and frankly, pretty damn trashy.

But I think you know my views, and they are exceedingly strong on this subject.


ginasketch December 5 2008, 17:31:19 UTC

even the views part.


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