I have not been on LJ very much lately. I have been so busy, that it was all I could do to check in on all of you. I tried commenting on various posts yesterday, and my computer/internet/whatever internet gods that provide access to LJ were not in my favor. I could not post, although I had a lot to say/add on friends' posts. How frustrating
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Are you kidding me?! (yes, they are) but I seek out cheerful people, I'm a cheer vampire- I feed off of the chronically happy.(because I can't seem to make 'happy' on my own). It's just getting harder and harder to find cheerful "victims" I mean people. Could Despondex be the reason why - damn those RX companies!
Well, looks like I passed my Police Entrance Exams, my 45 page application is in to Human Resources/Background Investigation Division. So, now I sits and waits...
I really felt all of you with me this morning. It was a beautiful drive, I felt ready for the test. The written portion was a bit tricky, but I'll find out the results soon. I managed to pull off the maximum score (for my age) in the physical fitness portion of the test. Thanks again for all of the positive thoughts - I KNOW it helped!
Tomorrow morning I take my Police Officer exams. I feel very peaceful and quiet inside - I don't know if that is a good thing or not. Two hundred are slated to test. There have been two previous test dates to seat the Academy in June. Several hundred of us trying for approx. 10 slots. Maybe that's why I'm not so nervous
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