Mesuvulava: CH: 8: Happy Birthday Jim!

Mar 11, 2011 09:02


Vulcan meaning: transformation: the act or an instance of transforming; a marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better

CH 1| Ta’Navi

CH: 2: Hot Chocolate

CH 3| Vulcan Called Spock

CH 4 | In the ears

CH 5 | Eat At Dean’s

CH 6 | Christmas Snow

CH 7 | Breathing Space

CH: 8






Kirk paced outside the girl’s quarters. Getting nervous. He is going to celebrate today. The day of his birth. Last year McCoy took him out of the city away from all the remembrance ceremonies. Took him to an old fashion amusement park. One with old fashion rollercoaster’s. Tilt a whirls. Old fashion games. Celebrating the day.

Now he had only one request this year. More a joke. He spoke with Galia. And Galia talked to her roommate, Uhura. And they took Bones out on the town. On a shopping trip. For a dress.

His birthday wish. To go on a date with McCoy. And McCoy had to dress up. Make-up, dress, heels, the works.

McCoy reluctantly agreed. Always giving Kirk one gift. Last year was a gift of youth. This is a gift of adolescence.

Kirk fiddled with his dress shirt. A nice navy blue. Complementing his eyes. Looking to the door with his blue orbs. Waiting to see what they have done to his angel. For she had. His dreams always going to the visage of her. Glowing in the snow. Closing his eyes he lent back on the wall across from the door. His eyes snapping open when the door opened. Galia stood there. The biggest excited grin on her face.

“Are you ready?” Kirk nodded. Approaching slowly. He saw Uhura by the fresher door.

“So where is she?”

“I am not coming out.” They all smiled. Kirk hiding his worry behind the smile.

“Come on Len,” Uhura encouraged.

“Yeah Len, we did all that hard work.” Galia added.

“And some other things that I hope I never have to go through again.” The refresher door opened. His angel stepped out.

Kirk could only stare as McCoy approached him. Wow. Taking her in. the girls had outdone themselves. They had McCoy in a skirt. Not a full length one. It stopped right above the knee. And it is a simple black and white strip dress. No sleeves. And a nice see trough cross pattern to reveal more skin. Then to her face. She had lipstick on, blush, and eyeliner to bring out her eyes...

“Stop staring.” Galia came over pushing his jaw shut.

“That means he likes you.” Galia informed McCoy. McCoy blushed green under the rosy red.

“Well thank you.” She semi curtsey. Uhura laughed. She wrapped an arm around McCoy’s. Walking her over to Kirk. Smiling at Kirk. The two deserved each other. Uhura could only grin wider when Kirk gently took her hand and placed it through his arm. His grin so wide. Nyota couldn’t believe that the child could grow up. Galia was skirting from foot to foot with excitement.  “Thank you girls.” When the door closed behind Galia jumped up in the air.

“They are so getting lucky tonight.” Uhura tilted her head. McCoy is a male in a female. Who loves her friend? And Kirk is a child. No, a man. And McCoy is going to make him the man he is suppose to become.


McCoy held tightly onto Kirk. The damn heels making her unsure of each step.

“I got yah Bones.” Kirk pulled his arm closer to his side. “Thank you.” McCoy looked at his friend. Unsure but sure of what he is talking about.

“Your welcome. But I might burn this dress when the day is over.”


“Okay,” at the quick response. Jim loved the dress. It is his birthday dress. “Can I at least vaporize the shoes?” Kirk looked down. Giving in he smiled.

“Sure.” the bumped into eat other at they made their way to the restaurant.


It is a little upscale to their normal hangouts. And Jim wanted a special birthday. McCoy’s happy he is finally celebrating it. Not just being the day his father dies. This is Kirk’s birthday. His birth. And McCoy is so glad that Kirk is here.

Sitting in the restaurant. Kirk observed McCoy constantly fiddling with her hair. Wanting to put it behind her ears. But stopping. Keeping up the illusion of being human. Kirk sighed.

“Just put it behind your ears.”

“The girls put so much product in my hair. It is quiet irritating.” Kirk leaned forward. Extending his head he pushed the hair up and over her ears. She shivered at his touch. Kirk smiled. Sitting back down he returned to his salad. Looking up he watched McCoy bow her head. Then he felt it. Eyes. Eyes from surrounding tables are looking at them. Kirk stared back. Other species are with humans. So why is this weird. The salad had been removed. Now a steak is before both of them. The waiter who had delivered stood still, staring.

“Can I help you?” McCoy growled. The waiter jumped and ran off. Shaking her head she turned to her meal. Kirk smirked. The meal continued. This felt normal. Really normal. Beyond normal for Kirk.

“So how was your shopping trip?”

“Never happening again. Gaia went overboard. Uhura helpfully reeled her in.” she looked down at her outfit. “Thank god too. Galia wanted me in a red number that has slits all the way up held together with a string.” Shivering at the memory. Kirk smiled. He would have loved to seen that. “So we, they got me several dresses. Uhura is one hell of a negotiator. “

“So am I ever going to see any of these other dresses?”

“You have a birthday next year.” She countered taking a bite of her steak. Kirk grinned.

“So what else did you get?”

“Women things. Clothes. Underwear. Jewelry. Make up.” Rolling her eyes. “Then Galia did the sweetest thing. She went to get me a old Miss shirt, female style.” Kirk looked into his friend’s eyes. So much has changed.  Now here he is on a date with his friend. Hell he would have done the same with male McCoy. He looks away from her. No they would probably have stayed in or something else. Or he could just ask.

“Bones I know this is not what you would have chosen for my birthday but what would you have done?” Bones set down her fork. Resting her elbows on the table she steepled her fingers. Very Vulcan. Then she looked up with something there. Then she blinked. Looking right through him.

“I don’t know. Maybe taken you to a play or opera.” Jim quirked his head.

“Opera?” She nodded. The hair fallen from behind the ears. She smiled.

“I know silly,” picking up her fork again. Kirk reached out.

“No, no. That would have been cool. I have never been.”

“I gathered. So um, I got us tickets if you want to go.”

"You are serious.” McCoy nodded her head. Feeling the rejection on her part for the stupid idea. Kirk smiled. Focusing on the touch he held. Sending excitement through the touch. A smile appeared on her lips.

“So I’ll take that as a yes?” Her eyes met his. He smiled back. Rubbing his fingers over hers.

“Yeah,” with the biggest grin on his face. “Sounds nice.”

“Jim, you know this is kissing in Vulcan.” Kirk smiled more. He knew. Entwining their fingers. “Jim?”

“I’m sorry. But.” She felt it. Felt his emotions. Felt that he loved her. Even before this. Now there was nothing stopping them. There was nothing stopping them before. Except Kirk is a ladies man. And everyone presumed he flew straight. Hell everyone experimented. “Len, I like you a lot.”

“I know.” He looked stunned then held up her, their hands. He shied at that. Touch telepaths. “So finish up. The opera start in a half an hour.” She picked up her fork with her unoccupied hand. Began to eat.


Kirk’s heart lifted. They had a blast. Especially when Kirk got the death by chocolate desert. Making Bones raise an eyebrow. They walked lightly to the theater. Laughing together. Their mood easing.

“Hey Vulcan.” They continue to walk. Yet at the next alleyway. 2 men stepped out in front of them. Kirk gripped Bones tighter to him. “Hey,” the voice called from behind them. Kirk took a quick glance. Spotting 3 more behind them. There goes the theater. Stopping Kirk takes in the scenario. McCoy sobered up quickly. She leaned over to whisper to Kirk.

“It’s the waiter.” She motioned to the guy next to the one who spoke. Jim nodded. Seeing the man too.

“Must have gotten upset over the tip.” He turned to the leader. “So what seems to be the problem?”

“We don’t have a problem with you. It’s her that we do?”

“Well she might take offense to that.”

“I doubt that. We don’t like aliens. Especially those who try and play human.” McCoy shakes her head.

“Is this what that is about. You hate Vulcans?”

“We hate anybody who ain’t of earth origin.”

“Well hate to break this to you I have worst problem then you do.” The men stilled. Looking a each other with trepidation. McCoy took a step forward. “Did you hear that story about that earth doctor who got mind swapped by a Vulcan?” the leader raised an eyebrow. He stared at her. Looking to the waiter. The story helping them get more rallies.

“Did she really eat meat?” the waiter nodded. He looked back at her.

“I have more a reason to be an xenophobe than you.” McCoy stepped forward. Kirk stayed where he was. Watching, waiting for the action to begin. “So why don’t you back off?” she smiled to add emphasis on her humanity. The leader smiled. He turn then punched her. Kirk moved forward. McCoy looked up at the leader.

“Sorry about your accident.” He whistled alerting them it is over. And they were gone. Kirk approached helping McCoy up. Standing her up he ran a hand over her split lip. Coming away green.

“Bones?” McCoy looks into his eyes. There is relief. “You okay?”

“Yeah, we’re gonna be late for the opera.”

“Screw the opera.” She takes his blood smeared hand. His cold hand warming in her touch. Now his eyes seemed worried.  She smiles. He smiles.

“Today is your day. Don’t let some terra prime oaf ruin it. And we are not wasting my coin that I spent on those tickets.” Wrapping her arm around his they make their way to the opera.


Kirk couldn’t sleep. So high on what they did. Dinner, fight, opera. Then they sat and talked till he sun rose. Now here he is sitting on a blanket on a hill over looking the ocean. But he is not looking at the ocean. He is looking at his angel. Who is sleeping with her halo on his lap. James T. Kirk could not have asked for a better friend. And a friend who is making him into a better adult. Wonder what she plans for next year.

A birthday of manhood.

Kirk smiled.

“Thank you.” He ran a hand through her hair. If his dad saved him and is still looking down on him. He sent the best angel he could.

CH 9 | Seven Stages of Grief

mesuvulava, star trek 2009, vulcan!female!mccoy, kirk/mccoy, spock

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