Mesuvulava: CH: 3: Vulcan Called Spock

Mar 10, 2011 15:26


Vulcan meaning: transformation: the act or an instance of transforming; a marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better

CH 1| Ta’Navi

CH: 2: Hot Chocolate

CH: 3


BY: Wolfa Moon

SUM: The Other Vulcan On Campus

DIS: Own nothing.


Taking in the female aspect of things. Helping McCoy accept her feminine side. People looked over every once and a while. A glare from Kirk made the heads turn back. Opening their padds they waited for their teacher to arrive for Vulcan linguistics.

But they were in for a surprise.


Spock was a little perturbed at being asked to teach linguistics today. He had to form a new simulation for the kobyashi maru test. A challenge. He could do both. Entering the class he scanned the crowd. Then his eyes fell onto a familiar form. But the figure beside her caused him some alarm.

“What are you in this class?” everyone looked from one another. Then followed his gaze. They lay on McCoy. He had asked in Vulcan. Uhura lent over telling McCoy what he asked. Then her eyes looked back on Spock’s.

“I’m here to learn Vulcan.” McCoy answered in standard.

“You should already know the language of your homeland.” He asked again in Vulcan. Yet when she looked for Uhura to translate. He spoke the statement again in standard. McCoy scoffs, smiles at him. A large gasp went throughout the crowd.

“I do. I know all the vernacular of Georgia.” Spock raised an eyebrow. So the rumors were true fro once.

“I see.” Then with the situation resolved. Spock began to teach the class.


Class over the three made there way to their next classes. Uhura had another language class. Kirk had an astrophysics. McCoy has a basic shuttle course. Spock followed the new Vulcan. Her class taking place in the shuttle bay. Humans sweat. Vulcan’s don’t. Upon observation if she were still human she would be sweating. Spock observed as she lagged a little toward the back. As far away from the craft as possible. The instructor walked the class around the craft. Then proceeded up the ramp to the craft. There went over navigation imputes on the shuttles nacelles.

Spock watched as she breathed a sigh of relief at them not having to step foot on the shuttle. With the instructor done. Still observing she was approached by another cadet. Her whole demeanor changed. Then another male human stood by the first who had approached her. Standing straight she look at them then for a way to escape. She began to move. But they stepped into her path.


Taking another breath and a step back. McCoy didn’t like this. It was one of the few classes he did not have with Jim. True he couldn’t protect him all the time. McCoy is a male. Or was. Now the two cadets who have been in this class with him all year. Now acting out.

“So you’re the freak?” McCoy straightened at the insult.

“Only as much as you.” The cadet laughed but sneered.

“So who were you?”

“I still am me.”

“Yeah right.” Then another of his friends came off. A lackey.

“Who’s this?”

The one laughing stopped.

“This is the freak.”

“Ah, so how does it feel?” The lackey took a step forward. Raising a hand. Once it got within her territory. Close enough to touch. McCoy reacted. Kicking the lackey away she then turned on the jackal. Stepping right into his space. Then pinching him. Then went still. McCoy ran over what he just did in his head. Where did that come from? Looking around quickly, spotting Spock. She ran.


Spock watched as she defended herself then goes still. Calming her rage. Her eyes locked on his. Then his eyes followed her as she departed the scene. Moving after he spotted her as she ran through the quad. Following back a ways. But when he saw another red uniformed cadet leap down the stairs and take chase. He speed up his efforts to met the other Vulcan on campus. The human/Vulcan like him, kinda. The cadet had caught up to her. When he grabbed for her she stopped. On an path of what is going on inside of her. Then he listened.

“Jim, I don’t think I can do this. I just… I just beat up two cadets.”

“Really?” for Jim is the one who ordinarily gets into the fights. “Bones, what happened?”

“They called me a freak. Name calling I can take. But then he made a motion toward me and I just reacted.” Jim laid a hand on his friend. No reaction. Keeping his distance he watched the friendship unfold before. A little jealousy at the relationship. Then the arm went over her shoulders. “What am I doing Jim?”

“I told you.” Then moved in to talk right into her ear. “Please Bones. I can’t do this without you.” Nodding her head.

“Ok, kid, ok.”

“Hey we’re the same age now. So quit calling me kid.”

“Never.” Kirk leads her away. “I’m starved.”


“God yes.”

“You do know Vulcan’s are vegetarian.”

“Do I look like I care?”

“Come on.”

Spock watched the friends go. His mind intrigued at the enigma that now roamed Starfleet academy.


Spock stood vigilant as the shuttle landed. Watching as stoic Vulcan’s waited for transport home. He was not waiting to depart but waiting on an arrival. The shuttle laded. People departed. And then the one he is waiting for.

“Mother.” His voice a little eager. His mother dressed in Vulcan garb with a huge human smile as she approached him. Enveloping her into a hug. She hugged him tighter back.

“Spock,” looking into her son’s eyes. “What is it Spock?”

“Just a new puzzle mother.”

“Anything I can help you with?”

“I am unsure.” They began to walk out into the open air. Crossing the quad he keep his eyes open for her again. Then his mother tugged on his arm.

“Spock I will not judge. Tell me.”

“There is a female Vulcan on campus.” His mother nods.

“ I know.” Spock raised a questioning eyebrow at her. “That is why I am here Spock. Yes it is good o see you. But Sarek has requested I tutor her on Vulcan basic.”

“You are not Vulcan.”

“No, but I a m a human who knows more about Vulcan's than outsiders do.” She sighed, smiled. “The Vulcan counsel wants us to build trust with her.” They continue walking.

“Why is she of import?”

“Her linage Spock. The bloodline is what the family is worried about. They intended for her to marry Salnik.” Spock nodded. Salnik is of a powerful house on Vulcan. “This situation has made the arrangement, voided.”

“So they are wishing for the officer to produce an heir.”

“It seems. To ensure safety of their arrangement.”

“I see. I do not believe that she will change her mind.”

“Neither do I. but we have to try.” She sighed. Not really having faith in what she is about to do. Knowing if she were in the human’s shoes she would not. “Just to save face.”

“I see.” Spock did see. This to ensure Vulcan tries everything within their power to get the families vessel back. They entered the anthology wing.

Entering an arboretum. Spock sighed at the humidity of the room. The smells wonderful. Walking with his mother. She didn’t ask him to leave. And eh did not want to. Wanting to soothe his curiosity.

Turning the last corner. There she stood. Arms stretched up smelling one of the many flowers in the room. Her attire a simple pair of pants. And a baggy plaid shirt. Obviously owned by her previous form. Then her hair back into a ponytail showing off her ears. Spock could only take her in. Amanda elbowed him as he was staring at her. Spock looked to his mother before putting on his mask.

Amanda approached the girl. McCoy turned at the noise. Standing straight he took in the form of the lady before him.

“Hello mam,” McCoy greeted politely. Amada raised her hand in Vulcan salute.

“Live long and prosper.”

“I hope I do.” Amanda laughed. McCoy looked taken back at her expression. Smiling Amanda revealed her ears. Her round ears. “You’re human.”

“Yes, but I am married to a Vulcan. And I have a son with one.”

‘Would love to get my hands on that bio work out.” Spock cringed at the medical interest.

“It was difficult. But worth it.”

“I bet. Children are worth everything.” Amanda liked this human. She moved around to take her in. eyes looking over at Spock who stood stiff. Watching the new subject. McCoy glared at Spock. Amanda snorted a laugh as her son turned his face away.

“That is my son. Spock.” Spock stepped forward. McCoy stiffened. Also taking an unconscious step back. To place Lady Amanda between the two of them. Spock raised an eyebrow. She really didn’t trust Vulcans. He raised his hand in salute. She did the same. “Spock this is Dr. McCoy.”

“We have met.” McCoy snorted.

“Really.” Amanda looks between the two.  Sounding like a mother catching in on a secret love interest.

“I was asked to fill in on Vulcan linguistic.”

“I see.” She turned to McCoy. “So where to begin? Do you have any questions?”

“How sensitive are these?” McCoy held up her hand. “I’m a doctor and I touch to encourage my patients. Make them feel like they are human, important.”

“They are very sensitive. Think of it as you would when someone would stroke…hm. Your ego. “ She spoke to paint the picture. McCoy smiled. Firmly placing them into her pockets. ”Don’t worry. You can control it. Blocking. I will help as best I c an. But I think my son would be better at helping you with that.” Spock nodded offering his assistance. McCoy took a step back. She has had enough of Vulcan. This did not go amiss between the mother and son.

“I will not injure you.”

“Yeah well. I got no warning the first time. And believe me. The battle in order to stay here in this residence. Not a bad local. But I prefer the hunk of flesh that has been my home since birth. That is no in suspended animation in a lovely high secured vault. I may be stuck in here doing this thing to understand. But darling as soon as they can reverse this. I’m gone.”

“And if they can’t.” Amanda spoke her worst fear. McCoy stopped cold. Turning away to gather herself. Then turning back. Resigned.

“When do we start?”

Kirk came into his room. Then stopped. The scene so surreal. His roommate sitting on the floor. Incense filed his nose. Lights low.  Candles glowing around her.

“Um, Bones?” stepping closer. “Bones?”

“Jim you’re messing with my Zen.” McCoy opened her eyes to see Jim squatting before her. He smiled.

“Sorry.” Getting up she goes around the room blowing out the candles.

“Doesn’t matter. I can’t mediate like that. When I want peace I sleep. I read. Relax. This is just.”

“Bones you’re human… Well human mind.” He countered after McCoy sent a glare over her shoulder at him. “Read a book. Sleep. True Vulcan’s don’t have to sleep that much. Humans do. And that is what you’re use too. So sleep. Read. Relax.” Nodding she moved to her desk. Picking up one of her padd. Kirk went over taking it out of her hand. “Since you’re up. We’re going out.”

“Jim,” she exasperated. Not wanting to be seen. Still wary. Jim sighed. Missing his friend’s strength in certainty.

“Fine. Fine..” looks around the room. “You stay here. Let them win. And I’ll go get into a brawl.” Kirk looked around like a man on a mission. A mission of what to wear. “Ok so, can I borrow one of your shirts?”

“You’re an ass.”

“Yes and…”

“And you’re mine.” Puts the pad down. Going to the closet. Pulling two shirts out. Throwing a blue plaid at him. While she takes a red one. Taking off her shirt.

“Whoa,” McCoy stops. Looking at Jim who has turn away.


“Female.” McCoy sighs. Turning around to remove her top. Kirk still being a gentleman and guy sneaks a peak. Admiring the line of her back. Then obscured from view. She turns and he faces away.

“Ready yet?” Kirk faces her and does what she was doing for him. “That is not fair.”

“Who said life is fair.”

“Who indeed.” McCoy trudged past Kirk. Kirk finished putting on the shirt then paused. Seeing where his words had hit. He said he would not treat him differently. And he just did. Worst friend ever. Kirk let out a breath. Sorry on so many levels. “Jim?” he looked to the door. A very attractive female Vulcan calling his name. Waiting for him. In Bone’s red plaid shirt. Big on her frame but suited. Suited his friend. Kirk comes up to her.

“I’m sorry bones I said I wouldn’t” she placed a finger on his lips. A shudder ran through her. Forgetting some things. Looking confused. He looked to the finger on his lips and reaction. Time stilled. McCoy closed her eyes. Relishing at the sensation. Then thoughts prickled the edges of her thoughts. Thoughts not her own.

Pulling her finger away. Swiping the hair behind her ear.

“Forget about it.” Kirk gazed into her eyes. Seeing so many things there. Windows to the soul. He had gotten a glimpse.

“Yeah,” lets save the night. “I hear Uhura is hanging out at the joint on maple.”

“When are you going to get it through your thick skull. She’s not into you.”

“I just want her first name.”

“You don’t know it.” Bones begins walking with the tease escaping her lips.

“Wait,” Kirk stops. “You know her name.” bones smiles still walking. “Bones.” She moves faster away. “That’s not fair.” Chasing after his best friend. “Come on bones. Bros before hoes.”

“Well I am in a hoe. So sister before mister.” Kirk slings an arm over her shoulder.

“Well than sister. Let this bro take you out.”

“You’re paying.”

“Of course.”


Spock sat on his mat. Concentration diverted by today’s lessons. Reminiscing on what his mother had been teaching Dr. McCoy. How could a human understand? Then show so much emotion. An enigma. Why did she fascinate him so? Maybe because she showed emotion. She is so human. She is human. And also to be a human in a Vulcan. While he is half and half. But to be whole.

The door chimed.

“Enter.” Uhura walked in.

“Hello.” She approached him as she entered. Watching each of her steps. Then smelling the scents of a bar from her cloths. Getting a better whiff when she sat down beside him. Then a scent he had become familiar with this afternoon. “What?’ finally asking after she realized he was doing something clearer.

“You went to a bar.”

“Yes.” Looking at him with eyes of questionable intent. Spock straightened.

“You were with doctor McCoy, again.”

“Yes, Len and I are friends. He…” sighs sadly. “She is my primary physician.” Looks at Spock. “She is my friend. And she could use all the friends she has.” Raising her hand in the candlelight. Seeing the scrapped knuckles. Spock raised an eyebrow. “Oh um,” shacking her hand out. “Kirk went to save a damsel and the guys friends didn’t approve of him laying their friend flat.”

“What happened?” always intrigued by human’s barbarism. Comparing to the reading of ancient Vulcan life.

“Well, Kirk helped the girl by flattening the Neanderthal. Then his friends unapproved. One picked up Kirk and tossed him into a table. He got up ready to fight again. But the brute who was approaching. I have no idea she could do that. Len laid the man out with one punch. He sailed into another table. By a punch.” Shakes her head in amazement. “Everything stopped. I didn’t know Vulcan’s were that strong.”

“We are. We just hide it.” Nodding. Uhura smiled.

“Well let’s just say. They backed away. Well made room for her as she stood by helping Kirk. You should have seen Kirk.” Laughing a little at the image in her head. Kirk looking stunned at his friend. “Then one of the friends pushed another hulk friend toward them into her. Well Kirk didn’t approve. Neither of them. So the bar went crazy when they both punched together into the bar.” Looking at her hand again. “I’ll get Len to run a dermal generator over this before class tomorrow.”

“Is she a good doctor?”

“Yes Spock.” With confidence she Spock. Since Spock had a phobia of doctors. Especially since he is the first mix breed. Too many wondering minds. “She’ll be good. Just talk to her. Len is a good listener.” Takes Spock hand. “Always has been.” Spock nods.


Days have past since the last time he had seen her. Now here he is sitting on a biobed waiting to be seen. His arm held protective across his waist. The fall uncalculated. Now the tingling in his arm and the instructor’s insistence of going to medical to get looked at.

His eyes looking up when the curtain moved to reveal his attending doctor.

“Good afternoon Spock.”

“Live log and prosper, doctor McCoy.” Raising his god arm out in greeting. McCoy smiled and made the Vulcan salute. Tilting his head he took her in. her hair back. Ears exposed to view. Unlike recently were she had them tucked under a hair band or hidden with hair. He noticed she wanted to appear as human as she can.

Holding up a tricorder she ran the device over him “how is cadet Chekov?”

“He will be fine. Would have been a lot worse if you didn’t make a nab for him.” She reached for his arm. “Thank you fro that. He is going home now.” She extended his arm then felt the twinge. The pull on muscle. And also felt the pain of Spock when she aggravated the injure. Stepping back but maintain a hold. Worry filed her. Spock looked up at that.

“It is alright doctor.” McCoy smirked. Stepping back still holding the arm lifted up a regen hand device over the injured appendage.

“It’s minor. This will help.” Running it up and down a few more times. Extracting her hand she looked at it. Spock watched as she stood still staring at her hand. Examing it like it is not attached to her.

“Doctor McCoy?” her looks into his.

“Sorry, just…” steps back away from him. Feeling she had violated a certain credence between Vulcan’s. Figuring it out. “Vulcan’s don’t touch much.”

“No they do not. But I do not mind. It is actually comforting.” McCoy smiled at Spock’s comment. Touch is comforting. Touch has always been a mainstream in her life. Now touch is difficult. Holding a porcupine is safer. Extremely gentle. Soft quills until they became frightened and made spiky. And the softest underbelly. Cutest nose. “A hedgehog?” eyes wide, McCoy stepped back. Looking at his hand on her hand. Spock removed his hand quickly. ”I am sorry doctor. I am being very forward.” McCoy moves away to set the device down.

“Spock, I am not your average Vulcan.” Spock tilted his head. “Touch is what I have and will remain to touch. A stray thought can be ignored. “ She lays a hand on his arm. An emotion passed through the touch. Spock startled. “And I know now how to use it. Your mother is a excellent teacher.”

“She is.” Spock stood up testing his arm. The pain gone. But his mind curious. McCoy stepped back. Filling out her padd. “Doctor McCoy?” her eyes looked into his. “How much do you know about me?”

“Your mother told me some stories. And I will keep those safe.” Thinking on what she had learned from lady Amanda. How different he was. The bullying. Life as seen as second class compared to them. A lowly human. Then the finale. “You don’t like doctors.” Spock looked up at that. “Yeah,” McCoy set the padd down. “I know.” Moving to grab a hypo. “We are in the same boat. So if you want me to become your main physician I can be.”

“How did you come up with that query?”

“Nyota.” Spock raised and eyebrow. Lowering his head he contemplated what was being processed. She picked up the padd again. “So should I change your records?” Spock looked up. Seeing sincerity in her eyes.

“Yes, that would be most satisfactory.” Nodding she put her name in for his primary.  Spock simply watched her. “Thank you.”

“Na’shaya.” Smiling at him. Spock tilted his head. She had learned quickly. “Live long and prosper Spock.”

“Live long and prosper dr. McCoy.”

“Len.” Spock stopped on his way getting up. Looking at her. “My name is Leonard. My friends call me Len.”


“You’re not bad for a Vulcan.”

“I am also human.”

“That make you better. Later.”  Spock watched her walk away from him. He had made a friend. Nyota was right. Len is a good person. And worth knowing.

CH 4

| In the ears

mesuvulava, star trek 2009, vulcan!female!mccoy, kirk/mccoy, spock

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