Mesuvulava: CH: 2: Hot Chocolate

Mar 10, 2011 15:20


Vulcan meaning: transformation: the act or an instance of transforming; a marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better

CH: 1

| Ta’Navi

CH: 2

Hot Chocolate

BY: Wolfa Moon

SUM: How to get a Vulcan Drunk?

DIS: Own nothing.

Hot Chocolate

“Dammit Jim I can’t even get drunk any more.” Lifting her glass of whisky up. Jim smirked. Going into their small diet he prepared a mug if hot chocolate. Coming back over he switched glasses with hi friend. “What’s this” she smelled it. “Hot chocolate?”

“Try it.” Jim had learned some trade secrets on his great date race of species. Taking a quick sip. Then downed it in a shot. Jim watched as Bones closed her eyes. “Well?”

“Vulcan’s get drunk on chocolate.” McCoy surmised from his drink exchange. Also feeling the beginning of a buzz.

“Yup.” McCoy handed the empty mug back to his friend. Jim took it. Then watched as McCoy opened a drawl and pulled out one of Jim’s secret stash chocolate bars. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself. You can have my booze now. Me I have to have this.” Taking a bit of the Hershey bar. Jim smirked pouring himself another shot. Then realized what was wrong.

“What happened?” McCoy sighed.

“Vulcan’s are touch telepath.” Jim nodded for he knew this. Finger sex. “Well, I was meeting with some of the admiralty. And when he shacked my hand he sent a rather disgusting image of himself bending me over his desk.” Jim stood up shocked. Pacing the room he tried to steady his thoughts. He wanted the name of the admiral so he could beat the shit out of him.

“What did you do?”

“I glared at him. Then when he stood right behind me to, observe me.” With a emphasis on observe. “I elbowed him in the gut. Then heeled him in the balls.” Kirk laughed.

“What happened then?”

“I told them of what he was thinking and I did not appreciate it. “ Kirk sat down again. “Admiral archer looked to the admiral and demoted him on the spot. So I just made myself an enemy.” Kirk made another cup of hot chocolate.

“But sounds like you made a friend with the admiral archer.””

“Archer I knew already.” Raising an eyebrow which then was mimicked by the other. “He still plays water polo. We’ve played on the same team before.” Jim looked at his friend at this. Learning new information of his friend.

“Do you still play?”

“Vulcan’s aren’t know for their swimming.  But I have played recently. On his team.” McCoy smiled as the memory came to surface. Going to exert some extra energy in the gym. The admiral pulling her along to play on his tam. Issuing her a female swimsuit. Winning the game. Taking a sip of her hot chocolate. Feeling the buzz vibrate through her body.

“Always good to have an admiral in your pocket.”

“Or a captain.” Referring to captain pike. Raising his glass in agreement.

“Want to go for a swim.”

“I already am swimming.” Setting the empty mug down.



They spent the rest of the night listening to music. Talking of dreams and things. Then just simply laying on the same bed. Basking in each other’s company. Sure Jim had the reputation as a partier. But these simple nights spent lazing in bed with his friend. His only friend. They were his favorite. For he knew he wasn’t alone.

McCoy intertwined their hands. Not sure if bones knew what he is doing with a gesture with his friend. Kirk squeezed back. Always a grounding post. Smiling Kirk looked over at his friend. She is smiling. Feeling the content and ground as well. Both grounding the other. Squeezing hands tighter they both fell asleep in their induced haze.

CH 3|
Vulcan Called Spock

mesuvulava, star trek 2009, vulcan!female!mccoy, kirk/mccoy, spock

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