Mesuvulava: CH: 1: Ta'Navi

Mar 10, 2011 15:11


Vulcan meaning: transformation: the act or an instance of transforming; a marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better

CH: 1


BY: Wolfa Moon

SUM: A change of things to come

DIS: Own nothing.


Life had become routine after a year and a half at the academy. So much different from his home in Georgia. Walking through the quad he noticed cadets listening to a man on a stage. Something about ‘united we stand’, whatever. Doctor Leonard McCoy is heading toward Starfleet medical. He has rounds for the next 12 hours. Pulling out his padd he leaves a message for Jim. James T. Kirk. His one and only friend. Only true friend. Ever since the incident on the shuttle the two had become inseparable. Even the kid going so far as getting them roomed together. Which is good. Both at least having somebody in their life.

Walking through the doors he nods his head to the front desk. Still maintaining his grumpy air. But still polite. Changing from his reds to his blues he begins his rounds. Taking over for Dr. Brandow. Moving along the ward he treats a dozen different species he would never had seen in his small hometown.

When he approached room 696 he paused. A woman sat on the bed. Her legs crossed and fingers steeple. A beautiful young thing. Stepping closer he looked over her chart. A beautiful young Vulcan correcting his thoughts. She didn’t move at his approach. Reading the notes, she had been brought in after the Vulcan Healers could not do anything for her. McCoy sighed. Going over what Brandow had done. Looking at the page. There wasn’t much to read. For the man had left it blank. Doubt the man even came into the room. Lazy man. Or just too busy with Mrs. Scota a floor down. Did she love to hold you in for a long hauled talk about this and that hurting. Moving in to get a closer look.

“Hello, I am doctor McCoy. What is your name?” getting no response he went about to get vitals of the young silent Vulcan. “Darling,” knowing it is dangerous to approach an unresponsive patient. But he moved on with his work. Activating a tricorder. But her vitals are off the charts. Stepping in he begins to take her wrist. Suddenly there is pressure on his arm. Being propelled forward. A hand on his face. Searing heat. Then the void of mind. Darkness.


Waking everything is warm. Voices above him spoken in an unknown tongue. Trying to move through the fog. Just plain move. He can feel light on his face but his temperature is too hot. Moving slowly. More voices speak. Licking his lips he tries to speak. Tries to get their attention. Tries to get them to just shut up and listen.

“Hey, I’m awake.” Damn his voice must be dry or raw. For it sounded to high pitch for his ears. Sounding almost feminine.

“Easy, Ta’navi. You are safe.”

“Safe?” Who the hell is she trying to kid. And who is Ta’navi. Sitting up with all his will power he moved to sit up. “Excuse me.” Looking around the room he is surrounded by Vulcan’s  “um, “ looking around for some help. He looks to the other side of the room. There is another occupied bed there. And a man sitting beside it. A man he knows. “Jim, “he cries for his friend.  “Jim,” watching as his head pops up and swivels toward him. Taking in his friend he can see he looks worn, torn. He gets up but holding himself firm. Trying to not give anything away. Some of the Vulcan’s part when he calls for his friend.

Kirk approached the bed slowly. Not sure what is going on. He had been called in by Starfleet medical. For he is McCoy’s next to kin next to his mother. And McCoy is Kirk’s next to kin. For they are what they have left. Upon approach he took in the figure before him. Then he stopped. Eyes pleading, bleeding for him to explain. The color all wrong.  Yet the person behind the eyes.

“Bones?” the figure sighed.

“Thank god.” Everyone who is not them backed up. Watching as Kirk approached the bed and sit down. “Jim,” eyeing the extra eyes. “What the hell is going on?” Jim could only stare. Processing how to tell his friend what had happened. Resting a hand on his covered leg.

“Bones, I…” Jim took a breath. Looking up again. “It’s hard to explain.” McCoy raised an eyebrow. Tasking him to try him. All he could do is sigh. Then a light bulb went off. Reaching for the medical tablet. Turning it off he turned it to face his friend. A nice shiny surface to reflect his image off of. Handing it over cautiously. Waiting, gauging the reaction from his friend.

Taking the off pad. Looking at the reflection.

“What?... no… NO.” the reflection is not his. Throwing the padd away. Getting up. Moving out of the bed. Falling flaying on the ground. Trying to get away. Try to make it not true.

“Len, Bones… BONES.” Having backed himself into a corner. Jim approached his distraught friend. The long hair not his own shaking his head in denial. Trying to make it untrue. Kirk laid a hand on his friend. Eyes if they could cry would. Seeing so much pain. Seeing his friend lost. He couldn’t bear it. Moving in Kirk enveloped McCoy into a hug. Holding his friend close grounding him. Keeping him safe. Safe as he could.


Kirk didn’t go to class the next couple of days. Sticking by his friend’s side. Protecting him from what these people wanted. They kept arguing over the vessel. Like they had claim to it. Finally they had enough. Well McCoy did.

“Hey, it is not my damn fault that that witch decided to transfer our katra’s. The thing is I am in residence here. So until you find a way to transfer us back and with proof that it works. You are no way getting close to me. I am an earth citizen and a Starfleet doctor. So you aren’t going to judge, dictate what I do with my body while your girl is in mine.” Getting dressed in clothes picked out by his friend, Christine Chapel.

Two long days of every exam. Every test to identify himself as one Leonard Horatio McCoy. Doctor MD.  Even taking his boards again. Passing.

Now the real hard part.



Kirk walked beside his friend as they made their way to their room. Having been rooming since their fateful day on the shuttle. Now Kirk stood back as bones imputed his code to their room. Watching his friend move in a female body is a little weird. To say the least. But this is his friend. A friend who has always been there through every scrap and bruise. Then watched as his friend walked around the room. Taking in his closet.

“Gonna have to get new uniforms. And I am wearing pants. No way in hell am I wearing those skirts.” Huffing moving around the room. Then pausing on something that truly made his heart break. Both of theirs. True he is alive. Alive and in another body. But he wasn’t him. He is a she. And the bullet to shatter the mirror.


Pictures taken from when he was a kid. Pictures of recent family outing. Pictures of his new life here. Picture of their shared shore leave to the McCoy homestead. Pictures of just him. His male human body. The frame in her/his female hand broke. As did he. Crumpling down onto the floor. Collapsing. He had held up so well. Kept his mask up in front of the inquire. In his fight to live. To survive. Even if it is in this body. To live and to now be in his territory. To finally have that wall slammed right there. Crumpling to the ground.

Kirk watched as his friend takes in everything. Then watches him break again. He is a broken person himself. McCoy being the anchor. Now he had to be. Moving in he help guide Len to his bed.

“Jim what am I going to do?”

“Do what you always do. Turn death into a fighting chance to live.” Len smirked. Originally his line. No his to turn his own.

“So just go on living.”

“Yup,” clamping a hand on his shoulder. “And I’ll be right there with you.” Len leaned into his one and only true friend.

Jim leaned right back


The next couple of days McCoy hermited inside their room. Kirk going out and getting food. Hearing the rumors around campus. Sitting beside McCoy like he always does. McCoy reading a medical journal on Vulcan’ s of all things. Kirk looked over every once and awhile at his friend. Taking in her appearance. A lovely creature. Someone he would try to hook up with.  The sun shinning through the window casting a heavenly glow about her. An angel. Yet he respected his friendship more. More than anything.

CHIME! Both their heads turned to the door. McCoy looked to Kirk. Both having medical leave for the week. Since Kirk is next of kin he had off.

“We’re not here.”

“Where else would we be? Everyone who knows you haven’t left the dorm.” Shrugging at the truth.

“So you gonna get it?” McCoy asked. Sighing Kirk go up to got to the door. Opening it stood a Vulcan and Captain Pike.

“May we come in?” Kirk looked from both people.

“McCoy may be fine with you but of him.” Looking to the Vulcan.

“Let me handle that.” Pike began to take a step in but Kirk stepped forward blocking his path. Smiling at Kirk. Approving of his protectiveness. “If McCoy wants us to leave we will.”

“Ok.” Kirk moved back to where he was. Coming back into the room. McCoy sat on the edge of her bed. Kirk took a seat next to her. Motioning the others to the table and two chairs.

The two elders watched the younger sit on the bed. Looking to hear a bedtime story. Or hear the bad news the principle had relayed to them. To reprimand their children. Pike looked over at the Vulcan. The one that McCoy seemed to be cringing at.

“How are you doing McCoy?” pike had experience with McCoy through Kirk. For wherever Kirk was. McCoy is sure to follow.

“I’ve been better.” Better in my own body. Nobody missed the under meaning. Smiling at the front, pike continued.

“This is ambassador Sarek.” The cadets nod respectfully to him. As he nods to them. Shifting positing they all look to one another. “He is here to help you adapt.”

“Adapt?” McCoy snorted. “I wouldn’t hav’ta adapt if it wasn’t fro one of you pointed ear bastards.”

“Cadet McCoy!” pike said sternly.

“What? Let’s have your Katra’s switched. Have your male ass shoved into a female.” Huffing and puffing trying to maintain her calm. McCoy closed his eyes.

“I’m sorry sir.” Pike nodded.

“It’s alright. Just he is here to help. Help you understand better. I also took the liberty in enrolling you in the Vulcan course.” Straightening at the news. Looking around for help. A way out. Kirk laid a hand on his distraught friend. This did not go unnoticed.

“Did you sign me up as well?” Kirk asked. Pike smiled back, nodding.

“Of course.” Sarek looked at the humans. Yes he has learned a lot from his time with humans. And connection, friendship is a major development. This one before him is a major one.

“She will also attend classes at the Vulcan consulate.”

“No way.” Kirk interjected. After what the family of the girl wanted to do. Wanted them to immediately leave for Vulcan and switch them. Even though they didn’t know how. They wanted her body. Thankfully McCoy was faster. Having his body moved to suspended animation in the academy vault. Then talking with the admiralty for asylum. And if she walked onto Vulcan territory. Who knew what would happen. “Sir, all do respect. She should remain on Starfleet territory.” Sarek nodded.

“Of course.” He had been dealing with the family and their requisition for their daughter. Yet since she was the inflictor. They sided with the victim for the outcome. “We can meet in the library.”

“How about we meet um, someplace less private.” McCoy mummered. Kirk hated seeing his friend weak. It is like whenever they have a shuttle run. How scared his friend is. And to see it now.

“How about in one of the arboritum. They are always quiet.” McCoy smiled at his friend. Agreeing. Looking to the Vulcan with a smile on her face. Sarek raised and eyebrow. So very human. Looking to Pike. Pike smiled back.

“Agreed. Next week after you return to schoolwork. We will begin.” All looked around agreed.


Things have changed. Especially with Kirk becoming more protective of his friend. McCoy pretended not to notice but he did. Thankfully that also meant signing up for a Vulcan course. Everyone had heard the rumors. And when they saw a Vulcan taking a Vulcan course the rumor flew again. Especially since there was only one person who willingly hung out with Kirk at all hours. His roommate, McCoy

McCoy sunk her head down low. Trying to hide from prying eyes. Yet it is so hard. Especially when one is Vulcan and the ears are dead giveaways. Uhura took a seat on the opposite side of her. One of the few people who is a friend before all this.

CH: 2: Hot Chocolate

mesuvulava, star trek 2009, vulcan!female!mccoy, kirk/mccoy, spock

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