Mesuvulava: CH: 5: Eat At Dean's

Mar 11, 2011 08:44


Vulcan meaning: transformation: the act or an instance of transforming; a marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better

CH 1| Ta’Navi

CH: 2: Hot Chocolate

CH 3| Vulcan Called Spock

CH 4 | In the ears

CH: 5

Eat At Dean’s

BY: Wolfa Moon

SUM: Real Food

DIS: Own nothing.

Jim Kirk was getting sick of his mopping friend. Sure it sucked major big time to get body swapped. But his friend who use to be his back up now holed up. It is getting depressing. Arriving back to his room. He knew it would be occupied. And it is. The lone figure of his best friend sat at his…her desk reading whatever. This is getting sad. Dropping his stuff on his bed he takes off his shirt. Replacing it with a black one he moves in beside McCoy.

“Come on,” command in his voice.

“You go. I’m fine.”

“You are not fine.”  He begins to haul her up. She fights a little. It has been tiring for her. All she wanted to do is hide away from the world. Why couldn’t one Jim Kirk get that through his head? The headaches are bad enough. And whenever Jim touched her she got a base read on him. And Kirk is a very tactile person. Shrugging of his touch she backed away.

“Will you please desist touching me? Damnit Jim. You know more about Vulcan’s then I do. Why are Vulcan’s wary of touch?” Kirk stopped stunned. He had been treating his friend as he always has. For that McCoy is grateful. But this confrontation. Kirk stopped stunned. Realizing what he had been doing. Touch telepaths.

“Oh god Bones I am so sorry.”

“Forget it kid.” She made a movement to sit back down. Kirk moved in to stop her. His hands freezing in the air before touching her.

“Come on Bones, it’s dinner time. Let me take you out. As a friend.” Saving himself form the quick retort that Bones is known for. Making Jim laugh. Right now all he wanted to do is break through his friend’s shell. Get him to be like old. Live hi..her life.  Sighing loudly, McCoy looked up into her friend’s blue eyes.

“Where are we going?”

“Dean’s,” naming the small family owned diner. Nodding her head slowly. It is an out of the way place.  Really a hole in wall. Only locals and the usuals. And they were the usuals.

“Fine. You’re paying.”

“Whatever you say Bones.”

Eat At Dean’s

Kirk had succeed in getting his friend out of the apartment. Patting himself on the back. They made it in after the dinner rush and before the last call at the club around the comer.

The bell dinged as they entered. The lady behind the counter smiled at Jim. Recognizing him. But her face scowled when she saw his female companion. McCoy had fashioned the hair around her face to hide the ears and the upturned eyebrows. Becoming an expert at hiding in plan sight.

“Hey Carissa, what’s the special?” her scowl replaced with a winning smile. Carissa pointed to a booth.

“Prime rib bowl.” Kirk licked his chops at that. Both taking their usual booth in the middle of the diner. Kirk sitting across from McCoy. Carissa made her way over with two glasses of water. Setting them down she pulled out her padd. “What’ll be?”

“I’ll have the prime rib bowl and she’ll have the barbeque rib rack.”

“Small or large?”

“Large.” McCoy spoke. Looking up into Carissa eyes. Seeing no recognition there. Like McCoy expected any. He is in a god damned female. And she is always pining for Kirk. Carissa look showing her distaste at being here with Kirk and not her. McCoy looked back down and away. Carissa smiled at her victory. Kirk scowled. He cold feel the bad vibes flowing around him. Looking at McCoy he saw the defeat again. Carissa went off with their order. Kirk could have stood up for his friend. Could a, would a, should a.  McCoy sighed as she picked up her water. The hair getting in her face. She hated it. Yet it hid her. Hid what she had become. And if she tried real hard she could forget the illusion of humanity and could still be himself.

Kirk looked around the diner. Carissa chatted up one of the locals at the bar. Dean waved from the back. Kirk smiled. Holding up a finger Dean notified Kirk, he would be out in a minute.

In a minute Dean the owner came out with their food. Setting it down. He had become a good man to have in his court. Especially after getting kicked out of the club around the corner.  And Bones needing a clean place to patch him up.

“So Kirk, going to introduce me to your date?”

“She’s not my date.” Dean winked at Kirk. All knowingly. “This is Bones.”

“I thought Bones is your gentleman friend. The doctor.”

“And this is him.” Dean looked at McCoy. She looked up. The hair sliding back to see the upturned eyebrow. He stopped his mental track. Dean looked to Kirk then to the lady Vulcan.

“Doctor McCoy?”

“Hello Dean, how’s your knee feeling?” Dean sputtered.

“Good, doc?”

“Yeah it’s me.” Grabbing a rib and beginning to eat it. Dean looked shocked. He had the occasional Vulcan come in here to see how an old fashioned earth diner could be, was. And they were all vegetarians. He even had a Vulcan menu.

“You know Vulcan’s are vegetarians.”

“Well I’m a herbivore. But right now I’m a carnivore.” Dean smiled. Yup, confirming his suspition.

“You doing okay doc?”

“I have been better.”

“Can they fix this?”

“Trying.” Kirk nudged Dean with his foot. Taking a quick glance and reading the face. Reading, drop it.

“Well enjoy. And dinners on me. Just come around more often. We miss you for your daily Tuesday breakfasts.” Kirk licked his chops.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” McCoy nodded. Dean went back into the kitchen. Kirk looked at McCoy. She had dived into her ribs. Seeking comfort in food just as good as his mama’s. Kirk stopped the fork to his mouth. Christmas is coming.


Realizing with a punch how hard this season must really be.

Bones is his friend and he is going to make it the best eh can. McCoy looked up at him. A rib smile around her lips. Kirk smiled. McCoy raises a napkin to clean the smile away. Kirk could still see it.


“Nothing Bones. Just can’t wait…” McCoy quirked up an eyebrow at her friend. Silly Jim. Shaking her head. The hair cascading down toward her food. Jim leaned over. Pushing the hair back behind her ears. Revealing her face. Eyes looked on one another’s. A crash of a tray and silence broke the spell. Turning together they see Carissa standing mouth open in shock.

McCoy bolted. Having had enough of being the sideshow freak. Kirk was stuck still. He had seen the face of an angel for a moment until the jealous cast a spell to break the one that was beginning to form. The bell still echoed. Kirk moved. Chasing after his angel.

CH 6 | Christmas Snow

mesuvulava, star trek 2009, vulcan!female!mccoy, kirk/mccoy, spock

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