Fic. Childish Things

Aug 02, 2010 15:45

Title: Childish Things
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: Will/Finn, Puck, OFC, Puck/OFC, and Melody (my Will/Finn spawn)
Summary: In which there is accidental matchmaking and a general failure on everyone's part to act like adults.
AN: Part of my series. The OFC (Ellie) was introduced in my story Assumptions. In my head I picture ( Read more... )

contributor: alicebluegown16, fanwork: fanfic, rating: pg13

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Comments 10

madmenfanatic August 3 2010, 21:23:23 UTC
I could read this series for hours on end. The story always rings true and the love connection between Will and Finn is terrific. And I love "responsible Puck" stories, and thought it was wonderful that he and Mellie bonded like they did.

BTW, a few days after MY son's first birthday, he was dehydrated and admitted for several days. Because he was so young, they had to put the IV in his HEAD (by his temple, i think). That was horrible.

Thanks, as always, for sharing this story with us. It really, truly is terrific.


alicebluegown16 August 3 2010, 21:34:41 UTC
When I was born, I was two months premature and had zero body fat, so no place for the needles to go. They did the same thing with me--shaved my head and stuck a ton of IVs/needles in there. My mom still freaks out when she talks about it twenty some years later and I just couldn't do that to Will and Finn.

Glad you enjoyed it and that you liked responsible Puck--I loved writing him.


momoda6 August 4 2010, 00:57:01 UTC
Oh, Finn ( ... )


alicebluegown16 August 7 2010, 02:06:30 UTC

Writing well meaning asshole Finn was kind of fun, he was getting a little to emotionally aware for my taste. Plus passive aggressive married people fighting is awesome.

Glad you liked the ensemble nature and Tina, whose rant may or may not have been based on something my aunt said when she was pregnant with my cousin.


momoda6 August 7 2010, 02:16:14 UTC
Angry pregnant people are simultaneously funny and scary. >.>


tawg August 4 2010, 03:18:26 UTC
“Yeah, I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t rush to tell you when you’re being so reasonable about it.”
Will, I love you.

he’s torn between yelling ‘Damn right you weren’t thinking!’ and ‘Oh my God, stop talking, you’re only making it worse.’
Yup, that's Finn alright.

This was so good, because yes, your Finn does have that mentality that his friends need his protecting, and of course that was going to bite him in the ass eventually. And of course Will would be epically pissed at him for being a dick, but relating to it at the same time.

Most of all, I really like where you took Puck in this fic, and how Will was responding to Puck the reliable and mature adult. I really liked that it wasn't Will or Finn that fixed things with Puck, it was Melody in trouble - and therefore the center of Will and Finn's lives - and that was what brought Puck out into the open. He kind of took over Finn's role of being the protector, and it was good to see how that role can be necessary in contrast to the times when that role can be oppressive ( ... )


alicebluegown16 August 7 2010, 02:02:24 UTC
I started thinking about how by my canon Will and Finn have been together for almost ten years and I've never written them really having a fight. And then I started thinking about how Finn was getting a little too mature for my taste and decided a bit of a regression was in order.

And I love contrasting it with a mature Puck. It seems I can't write them as grown ups at the same time, it makes the universe implode. Kind of how I can have moments where I like Ben Affleck and I like Matt Damon, but I can't like them at the same time.

As for Tina, in my head she and Artie have like, a jillion kids and she's perpetually pregnant and everyone's kind of confused as she tries to explain the sweater vest to virility ratio 'Seriously, it's true. I have graphs people!' but no one buys it.


patronstofliars August 5 2010, 05:30:48 UTC
i LOVE this series.. i somehow managed to fall behind, and read everything from 'Want' to 'Childish Things' and am absolutely in love (again) with this! everyone is so grown up, but still undeniably them. the puck and finn fight in this had me worried, but i'm glad finn pulled his head out of his ass and puck decided to not be so stubborn for a change. i'm not usually big on stories with children involved (the fear/dislike of children has a lot to do with that), but you've got a great balance, and it works SO perfectly.

i can't wait for more!


alicebluegown16 August 7 2010, 01:56:32 UTC
Thanks so much for reading even if kid fic isn't your thing. I loathe children, so how I even ended up writing kid fic in the first place is just one of the most random things ever.

And I totally couldn't break up the Puck/Finn bromance! It'd be a crime.


eighthoctave December 22 2010, 15:02:04 UTC
Read this for the second time, adored it so god damn much i was grinning like a maniac for the whole thing. Your whole characterisation, and the way you can bring in OCs without me hating their guts due to terribly thin personalities (I actually believed yours were real people). Your characters actually have personalities and feelings and jesus christ if i wasn't nearly hyperventilating along with Will and Finn at the idea of Melody being sick.
Ahem, it was so good, I adore your stuff, genuinely I think some of the writing is better than some of the books I read.
Thank you.


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