Fic. Adorable

Jun 09, 2010 16:26

Title: Adorable
Summary:Finn falls asleep on Will.
AN: I don't know where this random ficlet came from. It just popped into my head while I was in line at the grocery store of all places. So, I'm guessing this is considered the first story in my epic Winn AU (which I am now oh so, creatively naming the Adorable Series.) Chapters are in chronological order:  Adorable, Do Over, Breakfast of Champions, Like Grown Ups, Nice Boy, Complicated. ,  I Might Know the Word, Need You to Need Me., Tie the Knot, Superhero, Claimed, Give Me One Good Reason, Put a Ring On It, Assumptions, and Name Game.

The second year, they come in third again.

At Nationals.

The bus trip back from Orlando (That’s right. Bus trip. From Florida. Twelve hours, thank you for asking. Because, while they may be the third ranked show choir in the nation, that still doesn’t change the fact that they remain the red headed step-children of McKinley High) is considerably more upbeat than last year’s return trip from Regionals with a loud giddy raucous performance of what Will can only describe as ‘Celebrate Don’t Stop Believin’ We Are The Champions’ and Puck proclaiming some variation of ‘Third Fucking Place! Fuck, yeah! Vocal Adrenaline Can SUUUUUUCK IT!’ roughly every two minutes.

Will can’t even bother to admonish the boy for his language because well---third fucking place at Nationals. And while Sue Sylvester would surely point to her wall of trophies and scoff, he doesn’t think second runner up has ever felt so good. Besides, third place it may be, but their trophy is still bigger than Vocal Adrenaline’s fifth place one…Which is absolutely not the point.

The point is that these kids, these amazing, talented, dedicated kids, took the second chance they weren’t even supposed to get and worked their butts off. They proved everyone wrong. They put their heart and soul into every single note they sang, and it mattered.

And okay, yes. It’s a very nice, very shiny trophy.

He’s absently wondering if this might be the first step down the primrose path of becoming a greedy, soulless, glory hound (and possibly not caring) when Finn bumps his shoulder and laughs.

“Dude, I think Kurt’s about to start a Front of the Bus Dance Party.”

Will gestures vaguely toward the rest of the group.

“Don’t you want to join them?”

“Nah, I’d probably make us all flip over and die in a fiery crash. For everyone else’s safety, I’m just gonna chillax back here with you and let it all wash over me.”

Finn leans back in the seat and shuts his eyes. And the excitement must really be too much for him because within moments he is asleep.

By half an hour, Finn is dead to the world, a marching band could come through and he’d never know it, passed out. And there is  absolutely nothing wrong with that, he’s more than earned it,  except for the small fact that Finn’s head is on Will’s chest, he has one hand fisted in his shirt and Will is fairly certain that what Finn is doing would  possibly be construed as snuggling against him in some circles. Or when you’re 6’5”, squashing your poor unsuspecting teacher into oblivion.

He needs to get free immediately.

And Will’s desperation  has everything to do with the fact that his arm is completely numb, and nothing to do with how intimate, or familiar, or just a whole host of other words that should never be used in any way shape or form regarding one of his male underage students this whole situation is.

Of course, because God hates him, just as he’s about to finally extricate himself, sweet blessed freedom right at his fingertips,  Rachel spots them, yelling at eardrum shattering levels “Awwww, you guys look! Finn fell asleep on Mr. Schue!”

Instantly they are the center of attention.

All the girls look about ready to melt. Kurt is smirking with something that might be amusement he can’t be sure but it has Will biting his tongue to keep from blurting out ‘It’s not what it looks like’ which is likely clue number one that part of him sort of knows it kind of is (Finn pressed up against him so solid and furnace warm, Irish Spring soap and fabric softener, sleepy snuffling noises against his shoulder, and he is without a doubt going to Hell. Do not pass Go, Do not collect two hundred dollars, Special Hell.)

Before he can blink, there are a half dozen camera phones out.

“I’d really rather you didn’t.”

“Aw, why not Mr. Schue?” Rachel pouts. “He looks so adorable! Like a little puppy in a box!”

“What the fuck, Berry!” Puck spits out, clearly offended on Finn’s behalf at this insult to his friend’s masculinity.

And oh, there’s a small evil vindictive part of Will that can’t help idly wondering if Rachel’s maddening penchant for occasionally treating Finn just like that, like a particularly dimwitted puppy that needs to be housebroken is why their on-again-off-again romance is currently off.

“Because it’d be an invasion of his privacy.” Will (quite reasonably in his opinion) points out at the same moment Santana states just as matter-of-factly, “Because Mr. Schue would get fired, duh.”

Another attempt to shift away from Finn (he is not blushing, he is not blushing, he is not blushing) as Brittany asks why he’d get fired, Finn’s just sleeping and she falls asleep on Santana all the time, that’s what friends are for.

He thinks he just heard Kurt snort.

Some feeling is returning to his arm, a sharp wave of stinging pins and needles, Will grunting in discomfort as he tentatively rotates his shoulder.

Finn clearly objects to such proceedings as he makes a noise of protest and burrows impossibly closer.

And oh, God, the immediate instinctive surge of yes, this is right, this is good, this is the way things should be….oh shit. There is no way he’s not in big trouble.

Because if Finn thinks he’s someone else, if he wakes up and brushes it all off with an embarrassed ‘Dude, sorry I drooled on you a little’ shrug, it’s probably going to kill him.

But, if he does know who he is currently pressed up against, if Finn’s hero worship has actually turned into Finn being attracted to him, well, that’s probably going to kill him, too.

Then Will’s  brain pretty much shuts down as Finn throws a leg across his lap and wraps his arm around Will’s waist, mumbling ‘Stay’ against his neck.

Instant dead silence and Brittany, masterfully failing at reading the room, is again reaching for her phone. Santana snatches it away.

“No, Brittany.”


“Look, I’ll buy you a puppy, okay?”

“But I’m allergic to dogs! That’s why I want a picture, what’s wrong with me taking a picture?”

Santana lets out a frustrated howl of “Oh my God, Brittany! Because people will think they’re fucking!”

Kurt’s eyebrows disappear somewhere into his hairline.

Puck looks like he just swallowed a bug.

Rachel starts choking on a lungful of air or possibly her own tongue Will can't be sure, coughing and wheezing while Quinn cheerfully whacks her on the back.

“Still think he’s adorable, Berry?”

Will’s fairly certain he hears Brittany mumbling “Wait, you mean they’re not?”

From now on, even if he has to pay for it out of pocket, Glee Club will be flying to all of their competitions.

contributor: alicebluegown16, fanwork: fanfic, rating: pg

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