Tuesday, May 1

May 01, 2007 13:06

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the high posting volume and the quantity of information linked in each newsletter, who_daily will no longer link fanfiction that does not have a header. For example of what a "good" fanfic header is, please see the user info. While we realize that occasionally a rating or spoiler warning is forgotten, we have been running into a lot of fic that has the bare minimum of information and we simply do not have the time to puzzle out the posting information in order to link. ( For those authors who use headers and put the info in their subject line - we love you more than chocolate.) We are not seeking to dictate how fanfiction should be posted in individual journals but rather to alleviate confusion as to why fanfiction is not linked in the newsletter.

As always, if we have missed a link, please leave a comment and it will be added in a timely fashion.

Off-LJ links

From OG: Big Finish announces change in release dates for 2007
From the BBC: Announcing the Eight Doctor graphic novel

Discussion & Miscellany

black_dalek has preordering info for the inflatable black dalek
seti-drd wonders how long RTD will run with the unrequited love story
nhw reviews BFA's The Maltese Penguin, The Holy Terror, Last of the Titans and Storm Warning
drevil wonders if anyone else is over the Daleks
charlycrash braves the flames to opine that New Who is trite stories with a zillion quid budget
teskafuture speculates on how the Doctor's emo may impact a later story in Series 3
tgjerusalem wonders about the possibility of shaking up the companion formula
butterfly compars Evolution of the Daleks to Fear Her
schizojuc presents a Ten/Martha fanmix
edithmatilda re-watches "Curse of Fenric"
jadekirk has fun with Series 3 anagrams
timeprincess is loking for Doctor Who screensavers
alfgifu gives us A Grand Unified Theory of Doctor Who
starkiller reviews S3 to date
idiotgirle has EotD picspam
andrastewhite discusses the defining characterstics each era's producers have brought to Doctor Who
quod_scripsi is looking for examples of sythentic biology in DW in order to rock a molecular biology presentation (help a fan out!)
gentilhomme discusses the depression and how it was represented in eps 3x4 and 3x5

New Communities and Challenges

dw100 has posted Challenge 161 - "Poetry"
dwliterotica has posted May's Challenge: "May Day"
drcat83 is hosting a Crazy Musical Doctor Who vid challenge
amtrak12 is hosting a Fanvid contest
vandonovan reminds us that the Second Doctor cliche ficathon fics are due May 13


Heart Shaped (9/?) by lilibetm3 (Nine/Rose | MA-15)
Myths and Legends (4/?) by joely_jo (Ten/Rose | PG)
You'/re Getting' Careless by shrinax (Ten/Martha | PG)
Comes The Physical by sabine (Ten, Martha | No Rating)
Faraway by goldy_dollar (Ten/Rose, Martha | PG)
Lost and Found (6/9) by monkeefan1 (Ten/Rose | PG)
Prevarication by castrovalva9 (Nyssa/Tegan/Turlough | PG)
Voyage of Discovery (Chapter 30) by kalleah (Ten/Rose | PG-13)
has Superhuman (2/2) by wendymr (Ten/Rose/Jack | PG-13)
A Different Kind of Companion (7/20) (DW/Firefly crossover) by locker_monster (Ten/Rose | PG-13)
Haven (1/3) by karenor (Ten/Rose | PG-13)
Nothing But Sand by terrylj (Nine, Rose, Jack | G)
Traveling the Highway of Life by larielromeniel (Nine/Rose | PG )
Freckles and Perfume by humansrsuperior (Ten/Rose | PG-13)
The Bigger Picture (spoilers for Gridlock) by sensiblecat (Ten, Martha, Rose, TARDIS | FRC)
Doctor What? (Chapter 2) by ellymelly (Doctor/Rose | G)
Too Good by scream_creation (Nine/Rose | G)
Unfinished Business (1/1) (Spoilers through 3x5) by sensiblecat (Ten, Martha Tallulah | no rating)
Eyes Open by nightbeast (Ten/Rose | PG-13)
London 2012 by shrinax (Ten, Rose | PG)
Sympathy Cravings by christn7 (Ten/Rose | G)
Two Men, a Tardis and a Baby (4/?) by creativetwichie (Ten/Jack | all ages)

Icons and Graphics

gryffinclaw has posted unmarked photo from "The Lazarus Experiment"
ivydoor has 12 "Evolution of the Daleks" icons
cedera has five icons from promo pics for "The Lazarus Experiment"
queen_lothiriel has 12 Series 3 icons, 1 Doctor/Martha banner and 1 Doctor/Rose banners, both with matching icons (multi-fandom post)
yecatstennant has Tennant/Who icons and backgrounds
frotcake has 12 icons - spoilers through Gridlock
doctor_banana has 3 "EotD" Confidential icons
duskwillow has stylized icons (multi-fandom post)
mizzybox has 27 S3 icons (spoilers through EotD)
snowgrouse has a Leela manip


redscharlach gives us "Young Daleks in Love"
hermitsrme has Third and Fourth Doctor sketches
nhw presents "son of nhw" fanart (awww) "The Doctor"
nhw presents "son of nhw" fanart "The Doctor as Spongebob"
prettyblueheart has an alternate ending for "Evolution of the Daleks" - in comic form


pixiesio has "Keep Holding On" (Doctor/Rose)
04nbod has "A View of The Girl in the Fireplace"
aliasness has "Toxic" (Nine/Rose)
soniced_up has "Listen to Your Heart" Ten/Rose

Editor's Choice: andrastewhite discusses the defining characterstics each era's producers have brought to Doctor Who
Why I liked it: Meta is always fun and perspective is good for fandom.
(A very close second was son of nhw's fanart - cutegasm!)

We can be reached by leaving a comment or via email at whodaily@gmail.com
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