Lost and Found

Apr 30, 2007 19:28

Title: Lost and Found
Part 6/9
Characters: Rose/Ten, Jacquie, Mickey, and Pete mentions.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Doomsday
Disclaimer: Yep, not mine.
Summary: Life for Rose in the Parallel Dimension.
This is part Six.
One is: http://community.livejournal.com/time_and_chips/3419201.html#cutid1
Two is: http://community.livejournal.com/time_and_chips/3423753.html
Three is: http://community.livejournal.com/time_and_chips/3430766.html
Four is: http://community.livejournal.com/time_and_chips/3442267.html
Five is: http://community.livejournal.com/time_and_chips/3451488.html

Chapter 6: Across the universe

“So where exactly are we going?” Rose asked the doctor after the familiar sound had sent the TARDIS shooting from the familiar parallel Earth to a parallel million miles away in a few seconds.

“Oh um…” he had his glasses on, and was squinting into a monitor, “…Vlansoria. It’s a nice place, they’re just having some problems. The metal. Right, so we’re fixing that up.”

“Just like that?” said Rose. She’d forgotten what she loved most about the Doctor, his confidence in his saving everyone. Optimism. Apparently this man was the same in that regard.

“Yuup.” The doctor stated, “So what is it with you Rose Tyler? I don’t know much about you. I mean you told me all about…well, ME, but not very much at all about my faithful friend Rose Tyler.”

“Oh.” She smiled “Well there’s not much about me really. I used to work in a shop. Until you came by and rescued me one day. Well not you, but…After that, life was a lot more worth living…”

“Rose Tyler, life is always worth living. No matter how dismal or dreary, it’s always…worth living. You humans are so filled up with these sad notions of things being better- highest suicide rates in the galaxy- and yet the only real cure is to do something yourself to make it more interesting.” He paused and smiled, “…sorry about that, I have a bit of a habit of trying to tell everyone something. It’s just if something is important, I don’t want to keep it to myself…you were saying?”

“Well…it’s just…it was amazing though. To go from nothing to the other side of the universe so quickly. So I suppose…it just makes the shop seem even worse. Anyway, going back to that kind of life was awful this past year. After having so much…” Rose looked far off. There were walls, but she was seeing through them. Far off into the distance, across the sky, the void, the galaxy, and all of existence. Then just as quickly she was back again. “It’s just different here.”

“You know Rose Tyler, you are incredible. I mean- even I’ve never been to another dimension. It would be odd.” He paused and looked at her thoughtfully, trying to will himself into her head, to see what she was thinking, but he wasn’t that telepathic. It required contact. “So anyway what about your family? You didn’t leave them all behind, I met someone at the door.” He rubbed the place on his face where Jacquie had hit him. “Your mum I believe.”

“Oh, well there was just me and Mum back there. And then we met Pete, and came here.” She pulled herself up onto a counter in the TARDIS, “He’s like my parallel Dad. Then there’s Mickey…” She trailed off feeling a bit silly.

“Is that your brother?”

“Nahw, no. I have a sister, Tami, Mickey’s…”she tried to think. So long ago, Mickey had been her boyfriend, but it felt so long ago. She’d always gone off with the doctor, and he’d always resented it. And then when she needed Mickey most, he’d distanced himself. Eventually she found out that the reason was a dark and secretive rebel girl he’d met fighting the Cybermen. They’d been going out for quite some time and she was left in the dust. “…Mickey’s a friend I guess. He came from the other dimension with me and Mum. But we were the only ones.”

“Oh” said the Doctor. “So the three of you…tell me, was there a lot of travel between the dimensions then?”

“Well no. Mum’s been across once, Mickey I dunno, three or four times, I was across twice and some other people…”

“I’m thinking…” the Doctor dug around the TARDIS until he finally found his special glasses. “Oh my!” He said, glancing at Rose.

“What is it?” She hopped down from the counter.

“You’re absolutely covered in that metal! The most of it I’ve seen really.”

“Void stuff.” Rose muttered.


“Void stuff. That’s what you called it when we were in the other dimension. I guess it’s the result of traveling through the void. We all have some of it he said. But he closed the void again, I mean it’s impossible to get through it.”

“Well it is impossible to get through, but nonetheless, this substance is causing some major troubles. There are entire planets that are sick and dying because of this.”

Rose felt her stomach disappear. “What is it?”

“From what we can tell it’s some sort of alloy of unearthly metals. That’s why it’s not being picked up on earth, chemists just see it as nitrogen in the air. But some planets have elements in their atmosphere that make it appear and solidify in the lungs. It’s not very healthy to put it lightly.”

“Oh god” Rose repeated. “Is there any way to stop it at all?”

“I don’t know Rose Tyler.” He said, sitting back and taking off his 3-D specks, “But I’m sure there must be.”

“Yeah.” Rose looked far out at the other side of the TARDIS, a feeling hitting her that she was not used to with the Doctor.


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