Lost and Found

Apr 29, 2007 17:37

Title: Lost and Found
Part 5/9
Characters: Rose/Ten, Jacquie mentions, Made up character.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Doomsday
Disclaimer: Yep, not mine.
Summary: Life for Rose in the Parallel Dimension.
This is part five.
One is: http://community.livejournal.com/time_and_chips/3419201.html#cutid1
Two is: http://community.livejournal.com/time_and_chips/3423753.html
Three is: http://community.livejournal.com/time_and_chips/3430766.html
Four is: http://community.livejournal.com/time_and_chips/3442267.html

Chapter 5: A conversation with myself

The next thing she knew, light was streaming in through the window. For a moment she just rolled over, thankful for it’s warm glow. But then she realized that the sun meant…

“Hell!” she screamed, dragging covers off her bed in a rush to get up. She’d forgotten to set her alarm clock: it was 8:02.

Rose ran through her room, grabbing a couple of things to take along, but already knowing that the Doctor must have left without her. She wrote a quick note to her mother saying goodbye for now, and flew out the door. She walked as fast as she could to reach the spot she remembered the TARDIS being. To her immense surprise…

The TARDIS was still there. She walked up to it, and tentatively held her fist inches away from the door, preparing to knock. Before her hand hit the door, it flew open, the doctor and his crazy hair standing behind it.

“Oh, er-“ stuttered Rose, “I’m really sorry I’m late.” She said

“Oh that’s alright” he said, “what, you think I’d leave with out you? Nah! C’mon.” He rushed past her outside of the TARDIS past Rose, and down the street.

Rose ran to catch up with him. “Exactly where are we goin’?” she asked.

“Oh, er- gotta say goodbye to Madeline.”


“You two met I believe, outside her office. She’s been my chemical assistant. Met her in Manchester. Anyway, I told her I’d stop by before I left.”

“So wha, you mean she doesn’t travel with you?”

“Oh no.” he said, “She doesn’t like to travel. Not interplanetarily anyway. Ask a lot of questions don’t you?”

“No, well-“

“Nothing wrong with that. Oh here we go.”

At this point they had reached a cottage style dwelling, and the door swung open. “You said round eight ten doctor!” Laughed the tall girl Rose had seen the day before. “Her again?” she muttered, pretending to hush so only the Doctor could hear, but Rose heard it perfectly.

“Yes, she’s actually a good friend of mine apparently.” He winked at Rose.

“Oh” replied Madeline.

At this point, a small dog had tumbled into the room, and was doing its best to jump up and lick the doctor. Rose remembered how bad he could be with small pets, and scooped up the puppy in her arms. It was warm and soft, with tufts of hair standing up all over its head. Rose patted it. Madeline looked at her strangely, and then began to talk to the doctor. “So don’t wait another six years before visiting this time alright?”

“Oh Madeline you know that was just a minor…calculations error on my part…”

“Well be careful. You’re always making ‘minor errors’. One of these days it’ll hurt you! Anyway, I’ll see you later then doctor.”

“What, just goodbye, no tea?” Said the doctor, helping himself to a seat. “I’m no fool, I can sense a kettle on from a mile away!”

“Alright eh…Rose?...will you come and help me?”

“Sure” said Rose, relinquishing the puppy and following Madeline to the kitchen. The doctor sat there idly.

“Okay then” said Madeline “Tea, tea. Yes Rose, I did want to talk to you about something, and you know it, I can tell.” Rose was flabbergasted. This girl was certainly unusual. “Right. Okay, I trust you alright? I’ve known the doctor for some time and I trust his judgment. Apart from that, Roderick trusted you (the dog you know), and I haven’t known him to trust anyone other than me and the doctor. So you’re alright. I just want to tell you…” she paused, holding a box of PG Tips and leaning against her kitchen cabinets, “take care of him alright. He’s so much older than us and all you know, but sometimes he needs protection anyway. We both know that. Just…take care of him is all. He’s like my little brother.”

‘Little Brother’ was about the last thing Rose would have expected the doctor to be described as. But nonetheless, this was a nice person, and she felt an obligation almost.

“Yeah well…” Rose said, “I will, don’t worry.” She smiled.

“Oh good. Now help me with the tea.”

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