So my daughter gave me another card/letter in her ongoing saga of my abandonment of X-Files fandom for LOTR. It seems that David Duchovny/Fox Mulder is feeling pretty miffed, while the LOTR guys are being rather... irritatingly superior.
"I am no longer attending school. There was a huge scandal and now I am pregnant with my married professor's baby... I think, though we'll know for sure when the paternity test comes back and I am released from rehab. I think I've got this heroin thing beat."
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The weight and length of the latest Harry Potter (news - web sites) book may give eager young fans migraine headaches, a doctor warned in a tongue-in-cheek letter to the editor published in The New England Journal of Medicine.
The snarky side of me just loves this alternative fan report from C4. And yeah, I know I'm a hypocrite, because I squeed over the real ones like all the other fangirls out there, but this was just... too... good to ignore.