Wanted: Sherlock recs!

Feb 26, 2011 17:34

Because I know I have a lot of Sherlock fans on my flist...

I'd like some Sherlock fic to dip into every now and then, but I don't want to join any of the comms.  I can't afford that much time-sucking! Here's the kind of thing I'd enjoy:

- pre- and post-episode pieces
- character studies
- relationship stories, both friendship and slash (but no PWP, as those bore me. I want some characterisation with my smut, dammit! *g*)
- detective/adventure stories, but only if there's a good-sized side of relationship/characterisation
- stories including Lestrade and/or Mycroft

Length is more or less immaterial, though I sometimes find really short stories frustrating - there's just not enough meat in them. Though a well-written drabble with a gut-punch ending is always welcome. I also get pulled out of a fic by poor spelling/grammar and by too many Americanisms - please no Sherlock walking ten blocks to get home! I'm not particularly interested in 'young' Sherlock or John fics, and AUs generally don't interest me.

Any and all recs appreciated! I'll compile them all into one post, either this or a separate one depending how many I get.

Oh, and one more request: any good icon sites/posts? I'd like more icons, and since I'm very fussy about my icons too I'd like a range of options to choose from. Thanks so much!!

my flist knows all, sherlock, sherlock fic recs

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