Snoring through Four, and classic companion poll

Feb 24, 2011 22:53

The Classic Who rewatch is continuing, but at a much slower rate in recent weeks. I sped through Three's episodes, loving them all over again: the UNIT team, Jo, DelgadoMaster... wonderful. I wasn't sure about YoungSarah at first, but assumed that she'd grow on me again as I'd obviously liked her years ago.

Then came the regeneration, and at first - though I missed the UNIT team given how few episodes they were in - I liked the Harry, Sarah and Four team, even if Sarah's shrewishness to Harry seemed a bit over the top and unnecessary. Genesis of the Daleks is unquestionably good. Then came Terror of the Zygons - eye-rolling Scottish stereotyping - and the disappearance of Harry from the TARDIS, and then The Android Invasion and the final appearances of Harry and Benton (very disappointing appearances at that). I'm not finding Four and Sarah alone particularly compelling as a partnership, and Sarah continues to be unnecessarily shrewish at times.

Side note: I'm a feminist, and have been one ever since I realised what feminism is. I've fought for what in retrospect seem really trivial causes (but felt really significant at the time). I've taken on older men in my workplace for patronising and dismissive attitudes to women. And, yes, I'm sure there were times when I came across as strident and harridan-like. I don't object to Sarah telling Harry off for calling her 'old thing', though I don't think she needed to be as snappish about it (I do prefer Jo's way of dealing with some of the patronising ways men in UNIT and the Doctor behaved towards her - subtle but effective). Sarah also snaps at the Doctor quite a bit, without much obvious cause at least some of the time. It's a shame, because I'm finding that I really don't care for her much at all now, whereas I love her in School Reunion and in the few SJA episodes I've seen. But then we do all mellow as we get older ;)

Still, I'm currently one episode into The Seeds of Doom and keep finding excuses not to watch the next episode. The Brain of Morbius had interesting elements (and the Sisterhood of Karn seem so similar to the red-hooded women in The Fires of Pompeii - I can't believe that they're not the same organisation). Few of the other episodes have held my attention at all. I miss Three and Jo and the Master and UNIT.

Ah well. Maybe I'll enjoy Four more when Romana comes along - but in the meantime it's really quite disappointing to find that my childhood enjoyment of Four is not holding up, even if my childhood preference for Three still bears up.

And now, a poll!

Poll Favourite Classic teams!

I know there are plenty more favourite Classic teams out there, but the poll wizard will only allow ten options; if your favourite's not there, please post to tell me who they are!

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