Snoring through Four, and classic companion poll

Feb 24, 2011 22:53

The Classic Who rewatch is continuing, but at a much slower rate in recent weeks. I sped through Three's episodes, loving them all over again: the UNIT team, Jo, DelgadoMaster... wonderful. I wasn't sure about YoungSarah at first, but assumed that she'd grow on me again as I'd obviously liked her years ago.

Then came the regeneration, and at first ( Read more... )

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Comments 30

papilio_luna February 25 2011, 03:59:22 UTC
I'm going to have to turn in my Whovian card for this, but Tom Baker squicks me right the hell out and the entire Four era bores me to utter tears.


Really though, Two is where it is at.


wendymr February 25 2011, 04:08:10 UTC
Phew! I'm not the only one! He's so often cited as 'everyone's favourite Doctor' that I was beginning to wonder what was wrong with me.

I do enjoy Two, but I'm really not an audio person, and much of Two's era is reduced to audio episodes now given the destruction of the original reels. One or two episodes still do really shine for me even despite that - Evil of the Daleks, in particular, is truly outstanding. However, I just love Pertwee as the Doctor, and even though I was sorry to see Liz go I think Jo's just brilliant.


papilio_luna February 25 2011, 04:13:35 UTC
If there's one thing I do and do well, it's unpopular Doctor Who opinions ;)

I really love One and Two, but kind of lose my enthusiasm until Six (I KNOW) comes along. Though I think part of that is just that I think I'm not a fan of those particular eras of television-making maybe? I don't actually object to Three and Five like I do with Four though. I enjoy Pertwee and Davison, but TBaker just makes me want to go take a shower. I have no idea what that's all about, and I tried to fight it and just muscle my way through The Key to Time but in the end I just wasn't woman enough to handle it and me and the Four era declared a truce. I would stop trying to watch it, and Tom Baker would stop haunting my nightmares.


donna_c_punk February 25 2011, 05:26:52 UTC
You're not alone on Four. The only full series I really enjoyed with Four was The Key to Time. And that was because of Romana I. Anything with Leela was worth the price of admission, too.


un_sedentary February 25 2011, 04:13:50 UTC
I actually really love Three and Liz Shaw! She was awesome. I think Inferno is one of my favourite classic episode arcs. Eyepatch!Brig FTW. XD


wendymr February 25 2011, 04:28:14 UTC
Oh, I do love Liz too, absolutely. There just wasn't room for all the companion pairings I wanted to include, and some had to be left out :( And, yes, Inferno is one of the best episodes of the Three era at the very least. I loved it.


firefly124 February 25 2011, 04:46:33 UTC
Two remains my favorite of the Classic Who Doctors, and I really loved the Two-Jamie-Zoe team.


tardiscrash February 25 2011, 06:31:21 UTC
Five and Nyssa!

Tegan and Adric were terrible, Turlough was good but didn't have much of a connection with the Doctor.


kerravonsen February 25 2011, 07:09:37 UTC
Neither! How could they possibly match up to... Five or Eight?

But really, I love them all, it's just that Five, Eight and Nine are my very favourite incarnations.

I assume you've read Jerri Massi's Third Doctor stories? They mellowed me towards Three and made me appreciate him more.

As for Doctor + Companion combos, it's very hard to choose.
And you didn't have Four + Leela. ;-)


wendymr February 26 2011, 01:09:38 UTC
I assume the stories you refer to are tie-in novels? I haven't read any Third Doctor-era novels. But I love Three anyway, so don't need to be 'mellowed' towards him! :)

As for Four and Leela, there just wasn't space :( The poll will only allow ten options, and the cut had to be made somewhere. Others have commented on the Five + Nyssa omission, and of course I didn't include Eight and Grace, but I had to make choices.


kerravonsen February 26 2011, 01:44:48 UTC
Oh no, they aren't tie-in novels, they're fanfic. Just because Jeri went on to write pro doesn't mean that she abandoned her fanfic.

Go! Read! Now!


wendymr February 26 2011, 03:29:21 UTC
Oh! I had never heard of her either way, and for some reason just assumed you meant novels. I'll take a look.


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