I don't normally care for crossovers, but...

Feb 27, 2011 21:49

From the third story in the Sherlock Second Law of Thermodynamics fanfic series, The Definition of Insanity, by


Sherlock would absolutely hate not being the smartest person in a room.

Oh, yes, indeed. Which really, really makes me wonder how he would react to running into the Doctor on a case. And how the Doctor would react to him.

Any recs? Anyone feel like writing something around this? Brilliant Doctors for this scenario would be Three, Nine and Ten, I should think: all capable of being beautifully scathing as well as changing moods on a whim - which, oddly, enough, also sounds like Sherlock.

Bonus points would be awarded for Lestrade gaining not-so-subtle amusement from any put-downs involved, and John not knowing whether to enjoy being in the peanut gallery or try to come to Sherlock's rescue  *g*

sherlock, doctor who

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