Title: The Light Side of the Shadow Wall
Description: Dimas de Teran is faced with the impossible task of winning over the girl he loves without ever talking to her face to face. With the help of his friends and former foes, will he succeed?
A/N: Written for
jenbunny, with very best wishes.
This is my first time writing a Usa/Mamo fic and it’s a bit rough
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Comments 3
the first drops of wax, which had started to run over the lips of their hollows and bead slowly down the sides of the ivory tapers <-aaksjghksgh this is so vivid!
she also reawakened the earth, breathing warmth and life back into the soil. Her song called back the birds, and her voice melted the ice from the rivers <-just beautiful.
flamboyant robes, bold smirk, glittering green eyes, and waves of golden hair that managed to be arrogant in their curl <-i love your zoisite, he's a terror >D
The conversation felt like they were picking their way across a riverbed; each of them were trying to watch their step, but the water was warm and pleasant, and occasionally the glitter of sunlight refracting off the surface of the river was dazzling. <-this might be my favorite, totally gorgeous imagery ( ... )
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