Title: The Light Side of the Shadow Wall
Description: Dimas de Teran is faced with the impossible task of winning over the girl he loves without ever talking to her face to face. With the help of his friends and former foes, will he succeed?
A/N: Written for
jenbunny, with very best wishes.
This is my first time writing a Usa/Mamo fic and it’s a bit rough around the edges. It's set in the same world as
Santa Esperanza (between years 20 and 30), which was written for Advent Drabblender. I think it’s not necessary to read that one beforehand, especially since this fic was started first, but feel free to check it out for more of what happens before/after this one.
*Several of Seiya’s lines are from the anime (at least that’s what Wikipedia tells me) so no credit to me, of course.
Part I: Wishes for Santa Esperanza Part II: Advice Part III: The Shadow Side and the Light Side