grey's: "I'm a lightening rod for that crap..."

Oct 01, 2010 19:47

So... since we had so much fun with the debrief after the premiere, I've decided I might make it a regular feature!


Ahem. Yeah.

And I shall name this...'the one where it's all about ME!' )

character: ga: mark, character: ga: lexie, character: ga: meredith, thoughts: i have them, television: grey's anatomy, character: ga: alex

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Comments 64

llywela13 October 1 2010, 10:42:43 UTC
Coming out of this episode, all I could think was 'omg, Alex actually talked a teeny tiny bit about what's going on in his head - to two different people ( ... )


waltzmatildah October 1 2010, 11:13:28 UTC
'omg, Alex actually talked a teeny tiny bit about what's going on in his head - to two different people!' I KNOW! It's a miracle! And they weren't patients or random bar pick ups, but actually people that understand him and know him best. Huzzah!

I agree with everything you said about Bailey, and I (hopefully) alluded to that in my post. I just think it wasn't written very well... we 'thinkers' of the show will probably understand that this is why she did what she did, or, at least be able to speculate it to be the case, but the 'me, me, me' was SO heavy handed that it really wasn't portrayed as about about him in the slightest.

I think a scene between Bailey and someone, probably Meredith, where they agreed that something needed to be done and came up with that as the 'scenario most likely', would have added so much to the whole set-up, not least would have been some recognition by Meredith that Alex almost died and may not be coping with it as well as he's letting on. No, his keeping the bullet wasn't mentally healthy, but all we ( ... )


llywela13 October 1 2010, 11:43:54 UTC
I KNOW! It's a miracle! And they weren't patients or random bar pick ups, but actually people that understand him and know him best. Huzzah!It's almost as if the writers remembered that he is a main character who has established relationships with other characters ( ... )


waltzmatildah October 1 2010, 12:08:38 UTC
This is probably going to sound like a cop out but... your 'ideal world' thoughts...? THAT IS WHAT I WANT! You've literally thought of everything. How soon can we get you a job on the writing staff???!!!!!

And some of those crumbs might carry enough traces of the above to carry us through... Or at least they'll provide inspiration for fic!

Oh, please, please can we have some of what you outlined?! I'm not above begging.


girlinthatsong October 1 2010, 11:26:15 UTC
Question...why exactly do you keep watching?


waltzmatildah October 1 2010, 11:40:00 UTC
I don't understand your question.

I'd assume you're having a go, but assumptions with no context always end badly so I'm going to wait on that and answer it simply.

I keep watching for Alex. Because I think he's a complex and intriguing character that is brilliantly acted by JC and I live in hope that the writers will, one day, realise this ( ... )


girlinthatsong October 1 2010, 11:44:08 UTC
You're correct regarding assumptions. I'm not having a go, I actually am generally curious because it seems you always have something negative to say, and not just an odd comment here and there, but about everything, and everyone. And you know, I don't even know how to respond to this entry. It's one thing to have a different opinion but quite another to go on a constant witch hunt.


waltzmatildah October 1 2010, 12:03:11 UTC
Um, so don't respond? Or, alternatively, respond with your own opinions. Don't reference mine at all.

I didn't put these thoughts up with a message saying you must all agree with me!

I put thoughts up after the last episode that ended with almost 100 comments and we all had a great time, meeting new people and sharing our, I thought I'd do it again...

And how is what I'm doing a 'witch hunt'? I don't think I get what you mean by that.

The intention of this post (and my one last week) was to stimulate discussion and provide a forum (and therefore wank) free environment in which to do it. There is no 'picking on people' or telling people their opinions are wrong/flawed...

It's simply a discussion post. People are free to agree or disagree how they see fit...


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waltzmatildah October 1 2010, 12:14:53 UTC
Yeah, the bullet thing was always gonna be played out as being about Bailey. We called it! Haha! Oh well, we did get that nice scene at the end between the two of them, and we got the Bailey poking him in the chest scenes, so we might just have to cut our losses on that one :(

I also wonder about whether we (the loyal viewers) are the only ones reading between the lines. Because, you're right. If everything is intended to be taken at a surface level only, then we are screwed! (Remember, there is always FIC!).

Yes. Issues. With a capital I. And LOTS of them! Hopefully some are addressed next week (Alex + The Chief).


(The comment has been removed)

waltzmatildah October 1 2010, 12:32:28 UTC
We also get the episode that Alex voice overs... I think it's episode 6. Keep that in sight!!! And there will be fic to keep you going, I PROMISE!!

Yes, someone to read between the lines and create storylines would be an awesome addition to the writing team! I nominate myself! I'll take the trailer next to JC's thanks!!!

Yay for ear piercing! What kind of earring did you get?

Bailey would HATE that you have a foreign object in you! No surgeries for you! Hahaha!


abvj October 1 2010, 12:29:25 UTC
I loved that where they went this week with Alex. It makes me almost think that SR is good at what she does, but then I start thinking that it was all probably just a fluke. I especially loved the conversation between Alex and Meredith -- not only did it cement our thought process on why Alex was as cold as he was, but it's nice to see Meredith actually acknowledging him? Idk. I've come to really love their friendship, and I get that she is suppose to be all messed up over Derek and she did have a miscarriage, but everyone just seems to be playing down the fact that their best almost died. It annoys me. I can't tell if it's character flaws or bad writing. Probably the latter, but we'll see ( ... )


waltzmatildah October 1 2010, 12:47:37 UTC
I also loved where they went with Alex this week. I'd have liked MOARRRRR but, hey, I always want more so really, nothing shocking there! The conversation he had with Meredith was my favourite moment of the episode! Loved every second of it. As much as I always seem to be hooking them up in fic, I do love the fact that they're such great friends to each other. They just seem to 'get' each other intuitively ( ... )


nursebadass October 1 2010, 14:12:34 UTC
You forgot how they said Burke's name 12 times and totally made me giggle like the squealing fangirl I am.


ovariesofsteel October 1 2010, 14:57:58 UTC
Dude. DUDE!

I did a little dance. And song. "In your face Owen! You pale in comparison!" Mini me did it too. It was hilarious.

(No. I'm not ashamed.)


waltzmatildah October 2 2010, 07:27:06 UTC
I swear, every single freaking time they said his name I did a little internal squeeeee, just for you!!!!!!!

It was soooo heavy handed on the "Burke is great" that I couldn't help but laugh! LOVED IT! Mostly for you, but a little bit for me, too!


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