grey's: "chicks dig that crap..."

Sep 24, 2010 23:17

Oh. Goodness. Alex.

Seeing that there was a distinct lack of him this episode, I'm going to rant.

Because I can.

(warning: it's probably waaaaay tl;dr but I needed to get it off my chest!)

Where to start? )

character: ga: lexie, television: grey's anatomy, character: ga: alex

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Comments 62

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waltzmatildah September 24 2010, 14:51:31 UTC
1. Yeah, his reply in the face of his obvious discomfort/embarrassment/shame/fear was heart breaking...

2. Lexie was written so all over the place in this episode, and MAYBE it's a reflection of where she's at, but personally, I think it was just laziness on the part of Shonda and Co. She's not a hurtful person, it just seemed SO out of character for her to speak to him like that... the delivery, the fact that she dropped that bombshell and then just walked out... man, she was cruel.

3. I like to refer to Mark as a 'pissy little bitch', and really? Tonight's episode only reaffirmed that for me!!!

4. And, as warped as it sounds, I want to see that. Oh, HELL YES. This. Please.

Finally, have you read the episode description for next week? I won't say any more in case you don't do spoilers...


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Re: Next week's eppie... waltzmatildah September 24 2010, 15:56:12 UTC
Argh. I forgot that Alex + The Chief is ep. 3. Poo. I thought it was next week.

Next week is Bailey and her blackmailing him into having the bullet removed? Yes? Hmm. It so better not become all about her, I will not be happy!

And HELL YES to everything you said about the C/O proposal/wedding. That was WRONG on so many levels... And I'm with you on your opinion of C/O and M/D in general. I am not a fan of either (especially C/O).


violet1979 September 24 2010, 15:13:27 UTC
Word on Alex! I'm glad it turned out so well, after all. Glad for you, and kind of vindicated for me :-) I'm very interested in his storyline to come ( ... )


waltzmatildah September 24 2010, 15:52:18 UTC
Heeee! I'm glad, too!!! And I'm SOOO interested in the coming storylines with Alex ( ... )


slybrunette September 24 2010, 20:20:30 UTC

Just. Thank you for saying everything I wanted to, but so much more eloquently than I could. Thank you for making connections that hadn't even occurred to me. Thank you for loving this character as much as I do.

I think he hates the fact that Lexie ended up in psych. and absolutely sees it as a reflection of his own inability (once again) to look after her. This is such a pattern for him that, despite the fact it's a completely flawed view, I can't help but understand. Four women. Four serious mental illnesses (if you include Izzie's tumour induced hallucinations). The only common denominator? Him.

THIS. This is the whole problem. Everyone's like "Alex was such an asshole, Alex just doesn't care", and it's totally the opposite. He cares. Definitely. Because this looks like his fault again and so he cares too much.

He needs to be called on his shit occasionally, it's how he comes to respect people. Meredith does it constantly

And this is probably why I'm so attached to Alex/Meredith.

As for Mark's "run, it's ( ... )


waltzmatildah September 25 2010, 04:22:39 UTC
Thank you for making connections that hadn't even occurred to me. I did wonder if I was getting a little carried away in the immediate aftermath, but I've had time to think about my 'connections' now and I definitely still agree with myself! Is there anything I didn't pick up that you noticed?

Because this looks like his fault again... And add on to that Reed's death... which he also no doubt sees as his fault... (and better freaking be addressed at some stage!).

I'm so glad you agree with what I've stated here, it's so awesome to know I'm not just desperately clutching at straws to downplay some of the douche-baggery! I really do believe my interpretations...

And yeah, JC. I still wonder if the writer's intention was that his asshole-ness was intended to make Mark look like the hero (as their pre-premiere Alex talk seemed to suggest) and JC's acting brought it all completely undone for them. Because he TOTALLY sold terrifed, messed up, unravelling Alex, at least, for me he did.


alittlembrace_x September 24 2010, 20:21:02 UTC
I'm so so glad to read this! I so NEEDED to read this ( ... )


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alittlembrace_x September 25 2010, 10:35:10 UTC
I know. He's so alone now that it makes me seriously miss Reed! At least, she'd try to be there. I've never really appreciated that till now ( ... )


waltzmatildah September 25 2010, 14:09:06 UTC
Yeah, I mentioned Reed, too... wonder how much of that he remembers?

Somehow when everyone else is dysfunctional, it's because they have PTSD; when Alex is dysfunctional, it's because he's a jerk... Hammer meet head of nail! So well said.

And YES to your JC comments...


leobrat September 24 2010, 22:24:35 UTC
Wait a minute...this was supposed to be Alex being fine? I took it as, "Whoajesus, look how fucked up he is now..."


As for Mark's "run, it's what you're good at" comment. This is wrong on so many levels. Mainly because, it's NOT what he's good at. And his backstory is FULL of evidence against this comment...

You are absolutely right. But- Mark doesn't know any of his backstory. (Unless for some reason, Meredith has given Derek the cliffsnotes version and Derek passed it on to Mark, but dudes don't really sit around and gossip like that, so I doubt it.) He's basing that comment off the incident in the pit, and well, Mark doesn't care about how it affects Alex, his only concern is for Lexie.

I could very easily watch a show of just these three. you *want* Alex and Lexie to find their way to a happy, functional, couple-y place?


waltzmatildah September 25 2010, 04:47:31 UTC
"Whoajesus, look how fucked up he is now..." I KNOW! I seriously wonder whether the writers re-read their scripts before they did their promo tours!!! Or if they watched JC in filming... because... just... wow.

I'm still somewhat convinced that their intention was for Alex's behaviour to highlight Mark as the saviour, but JC's acting totally undid them on that front. As I said to slybrunette, he utterly and completely sold terrified, messed up, unravelling Alex, imo.

But- Mark doesn't know any of his backstory. I disagree. Mark would absolutely know most of his (relevant) backstory. He played a significant role in the 'diagnosing' of Rebecca's hysterical pregnancy. He was at the Alex/Izzie wedding. And the rumour train at Seattle Grace is the most effective I've ever come across! I'd find it hard to believe he doesn't have at least SOME clue of his backstory re. his mother/family... Meredith knows, Derek knows, Addison knows, Callie knows, Lexie knows... Mark definitely knows ( ... )


leobrat September 25 2010, 11:26:57 UTC
As I said to slybrunette, he utterly and completely sold terrified, messed up, unravelling Alex, imo.

Agreed. And I don't think Mark was meant to look like 'the savior', but actually I think Mark looked just as messed up. I think *all* of them are still fucked up, some more than others, but I think especially Alex, Mark and Lexie are all on the side of *Still Don't Know How To Deal With It* (whereas Callie, Arizona, Teddy, Owen, Richard and *possibly* Cristina are moving towards Moving On).

And...put that way, you're right. Seattle Grace's rumor mill definitely lets everyone know the bullet points of everyone's business. So Mark knows Alex's backstory. But...I don't think any of that is in the forefront of his mind, especially where Lexie is concerned. Mark is not going to be kind, or considerate towards Alex (and I don't feel like he should have to be....*ducks*).

His comment was as helpful to Lexie as anything Alex was doing... What comment? "Walk away, you're good at that ( ... )


waltzmatildah September 25 2010, 12:01:26 UTC
LOL, you and I are going to be agreeing to disagree a lot this year :) Haha! Yup! But that's half the fun! Especially when it's done in an articulate and considered way!

Mark is not going to be kind, or considerate towards Alex (and I don't feel like he should have to be....*ducks*). Oh, absolutely. I don't think he should have to be either (no need to duck!). BUT, him being a bitch to Alex does NOTHING to help Lexie, and, in fact, it probably only makes matters worse because Alex will withdraw even more completely into his ass-hole shell and the things that they DO need to discuss will forever remain unsaid ( ... )


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